Rusnano intends to invalidate agreements with creditors | News | News

by time news

The state corporation “Rusnano” presented three banks with pre-trial claims, seeking to recognize the loan agreements concluded with them as invalid. This was announced on Wednesday, December 15, by the RBC agency, citing a source close to the situation.

It is noted that Rusnano, which as of June 30 is obliged to pay 38 billion rubles, claims: the contracts concluded are detrimental to its interests.

“It is impossible to make a profit in lending if the bank realizes that the transaction violates the interests of the borrower and the chosen scheme of debt financing in the long term will lead to significant financial losses [Роснано]”, – the agency quotes one of the claims.

The state corporation stressed that banks would not have agreed to conclude credit agreements if the risks were not covered by the state guarantee, “because they would have concluded that there were no confirmed sources of debt repayment.”

On November 19, by order of the Central Bank, trading in Rusnano bonds totaling more than 70 billion rubles was suspended at the Moscow Exchange. The measure affected securities issued from 2014 to 2020.

As the regulator explained to Izvestia on November 22, the decision to suspend trading in the company’s securities was made by the Central Bank after receiving information that the state corporation was discussing various debt restructuring scenarios with a narrow circle of creditors. Measures were taken to protect the interests of all creditors and bondholders of the state-owned company. It also made it possible not to create conditions for insider trading on the exchange in the period before the official announcement of the state company about such negotiations.

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