Inflation: the National Assembly calls for frozen prices for certain food products

by time news

The National Assembly voted amendments on Thursday to freeze the prices of at least five seasonal fruits and vegetables and set up an “inflation basket”. And this, despite the opposition of the government and the Macronist deputies.

The fate of these communist and LFI amendments, which narrowly passed first reading with the votes of the left and the RN, remains uncertain, however, during the overall vote on this text and during the continuation of the parliamentary shuttle. But these votes serve as a signal as food prices continue to rise.

Communist Sébastien Jumel voted for an “inflation” basket for agricultural and food products with “fixed” prices lower than “estimated inflation”. The deputies then adopted a measure from the LFI Emmanuel Fernandes to extend to the whole territory a “quality-price shield” in force in the Overseas Territories for “essential” food and hygiene products. His amendment provides at least “the price freeze for five seasonal fruits and vegetables”.

The Minister of Solidarity Jean-Christophe Combe tried in vain to oppose it, believing that “regulated prices that are too low can lead to the appearance of a shortage”. Producers can “turn away from it, judging that the prices are too low”. Macronist deputies also recalled the distributors’ commitments to the government: an anti-inflation quarter around a range of products.

The food voucher, a sea serpent

Previously, the deputies had started to unravel an environmental bill of a food bonus of 50 euros per month for the most modest by sticking to government promises of a fund for sustainable food aid.

Jean-Christophe Combe preferred to have a government amendment voted on describing the “Eat better for all” program of 60 million euros in 2023 announced by the executive in the fall. Are planned “40 million euros at the national level”, in particular to “allow food distribution associations to be able to access fresh” and “quality” products. And the program includes 20 million euros in support of “local initiatives”, including possible experiments with “targeted checks” launched by communities to access “locally produced food, supplied by short circuits”.

This promise of a food check has been a sea serpent of the government for more than two years. At the end of 2020, Emmanuel Macron had supported the measure proposed by the Citizen’s Climate Convention, but the government has not generalized it since.

At the origin of the bill under discussion, the ecologist Francesca Pasquini denounced an “obvious mark of contempt” of the government on its text.

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