Mexico suffers from diseases of advanced and developing countries

by time news
  • Maintaining basic sanitary measures is key to protecting public health.
  • Some of the most common and deadly diseases in Mexico are diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular problems, cancer and obesity.
  • World Health Day is celebrated every April 7 to commemorate the anniversary of the founding of the WHO.

Mexico faces the challenge of generating a change, to modify the perspective, in which it is understood that health is the absence of diseases and also everyone’s responsibility to do the right thing in terms of food, exercise and personal care. In addition, hand washing and the use of face masks must be constant, considers the academic of the Faculty of Medicine of the UNAM, Daniel Pahua Díaz.

On the occasion of World Health Day, the university specialist specifies that it is necessary to be aware that the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has not ended, that is why there is a high frequency of cases and transmission continues due to new variants of the COVID-19.

The most prevalent diseases in Mexico

In the case of our country, Pahua Díaz points out, the epidemiological panorama is complicated because for a long time diseases typical of developed countries such as diabetes, hypertension or cardiovascular problems, cancer, overweight or obesity (non-communicable). Also characteristic ills of developing nations, including malnutrition, gastrointestinal problems or maternal and child death, related to deficiencies.

The teacher estimates that the high levels of prevalence of these conditions complicated the epidemiological panorama, because in addition to being a disease that affects various organs, it implies the use of human, material and economic resources.

“In addition, diagnoses of chronic non-communicable diseases were stopped, treatments were suspended, prevention at all levels was set aside: primary, secondary, tertiary and even not only of chronic non-communicable diseases, but of preventable and of communicable diseases”.

Pahua Díaz adds that understanding the process of Public health at the population level has to do with work, social position, education, food, housing, intra- and extra-domiciliary services, religion, culture. Everything is a network of social determinant conditions that favor the appearance of a disease and its severity.

That is why in Mexico it can be observed, according to the different areas of the country, where there are more problems associated with overweight, diabetes, obesity, etc.; and regions that register child malnutrition, maternal mortality. That is, situations related to inequality, inequity, even gender violence.

“We have to prioritize the problems, but there are some that require us to take actions with the community, that is, actions such as health education, that people empower themselves, that they be resilient, that we consider ourselves part of the solution.”

Sanitary protection measures that must prevail

A study recently published by the Public Health Department of the UNAM FM reveals that some of the reasons why COVID-19 affects indigenous people in a differentiated way are: economic exploitation that perpetuates them in poverty and drives them to migrate ; social marginalization from adequate health and education systems; political and cultural subordination that prevents them from exercising their collective rights as peoples; and discrimination. The lethality of the pandemic in the indigenous population (17.4 percent) doubles the prevalence in society in general.

Pahua Díaz recalls that the handwashingfor example, it must be carried out to prevent viruses, such as the one that causes COVID, mainly diarrheal and respiratory diseases, in addition to avoiding infections by bacteria, fungi and other parasites.

It should be noted that April 7 commemorates the World Health Day to celebrate the anniversary of the founding (in 1948) of the World Health Organization. In 2023 the theme focuses on the “Health to all”, in addition to celebrating the 75th anniversary of the international organization. The anniversary reminds us of the commitment that is required on the part of governments and peoples, and that we are all part of health.

Also read:

The danger is not over yet: Record increase in respiratory diseases in Mexico

The most common occupational diseases in Mexico

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