Temple Mount faces riots during holiday; recorded evidence available

by time news

On Wednesday night, while the police were ensuring the safety of many Muslims celebrating Ramadan and attending evening prayer at the Old City of Jerusalem and Temple Mount, a group of law-breaking youths, some wearing masks, threw stones and fireworks at the mosque, disrupting the peace and desecrating the holy site. According to reports, the troublemakers attempted to keep the worshipers from leaving the mosque and barricading themselves inside, but police forces prevented them from doing so and allowed the worshipers to exit safely. The troublemakers shouted inciting remarks, threw objects at police officers and worshippers and engaged in other provocations. The police have assured the public that they will continue to maintain order and pursue perpetrators. The Jordanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has accused Israel of responsibility for the escalation of the situation, calling on the international community to intervene. Palestinian militant group, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine has called on the entire Palestinian people to escalate the struggle and protest, close off occupied cities, and expand the conflict.

During the night (Wednesday), while the police were acting like evening uniforms to allow many Muslims to celebrate the month of Ramadan and reach the Old City of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount for the evening prayer safely, dozens of law-breaking youths, some of them masked, threw fireworks and stones into the mosque in order to break the order in the place while desecrating the mosque.

They held the worshipers hostage

At some point they tried again to close the mosque doors and prevent the worshipers from leaving the mosque in order to barricade themselves in the place. The police forces prevented the lawbreakers from closing the doors and barricading themselves, and helped the worshipers to leave the mosque.

At a certain point, the lawbreakers started shouting incitement, shooting fireworks, and throwing objects at the police officers who were operating on the spot and the worshippers. The police forces will continue to work to maintain order and currently the lawbreakers have been dispersed, the fortification has been avoided and the place is quiet.

(Photo: Police Spokesperson)

The police stated: Unfortunately, at a time when many police officers are working to enable freedom of worship while maintaining security, law and order in the holy places and all over the city of Jerusalem, there are those who choose to riot and violate public order. Those troublemakers harm first and foremost the Muslim public who come to pray in the mosque. We will continue to act resolutely against troublemakers and lawbreakers for the sake of public peace and security.

The Jordanian Foreign Ministry: “Israel bears full responsibility for the continued escalation that threatens to explode the situation, and the international community must take responsibility and act immediately to stop the Israeli attacks in Al-Aqsa.”

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine: “What is happening at Al-Aqsa Mosque is the beginning of a real battle, and it must be the battle of the entire Palestinian people, by escalating the struggle and popular protest, closing the occupied cities and our roads and expanding the conflict.”

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