“Tagesschau” spokesman Constantin Schreiber in the podcast “Media Week”

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media Media Week Podcast

“The people who switch off now will come back”

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“Tagesschau” spokesman Constantin Schreiber is a guest in our podcast “Die Medien-Woche”. How did he end up living in Syria as a teenager and learning the language? Why did he become a journalist? And what ways are there of countering today’s “toxic culture of debate”?

You can listen to our WELT podcasts here

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Constantin Schreiber is a guest in this edition of our podcast “Die Medien-Woche”: “Tagesschau” spokesman since 2021, before that presenter and reporter for the news channel n-tv, expert for the Arabic-speaking world, author of numerous non-fiction books and a novel. In 2016 he was awarded the Grimme Prize for the format “Marhaba – Arriving in Germany”.

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Keeping mental order: Constantin Schreiber

Now Schreiber has published the book “Glück im Unglück – How I remain optimistic despite bad news” (Hoffmann and Campe). In it, Schreiber explores how we can all deal with the ongoing barrage of bad news.

In the podcast he talks about his experiences and methods of switching off – and then plugging in again as a “Tagesschau” spokesman. But Schreiber also talks about his career, how it came about that he lived in Syria for six months as a teenager, how he discovered journalism for himself and what he thinks of the critical reactions to his novel “The Candidate” (2021).

book cover of

book cover of “Fortunate in Misfortune”


Schreiber criticizes a “toxic culture of debate” in society, a “politicization of everyday life”. But what to do against the formation of fronts, even among friends? In this good hour, Schreiber talks about these conflicts and many other topics.

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Die “Media Week” is a podcast about the world of media and its makers. Christian Meier, editor at WELT, and Stefan Winterbauer, editor-in-chief of the industry service Meedia, talk about the most important topics of the week every Friday. Background, analytical, entertaining.

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