Dental hygiene prevents bad breath during fasting

by time news

Doha – Arraya:

Dr. Asaad Hashem, Consultant Oral and Dental Surgeon at Al-Emadi Hospital, confirmed that there are a number of tips that must be adhered to during the holy month of Ramadan to maintain oral and dental health, as teeth during Ramadan need care and attention, to avoid damages that are frequently exposed to during fasting, such as dryness. mouth and bad breath.

He told Al-Raya, “You should be careful to brush your teeth with toothpaste, especially after Suhoor, in addition to using dental floss after brushing. Because it reaches areas that a brush might not reach.

He added: Brushing the teeth is not enough to maintain oral health in Ramadan, stressing the need to follow a number of other tips to obtain more protection, including cleaning the tongue with a scraper on a daily basis and using medical floss after eating breakfast and suhoor meals, to get rid of leftovers stuck between the teeth and rinsing the mouth. with mouthwash.

He stressed the importance of focusing on drinking plenty of water between Iftar and Suhoor, to keep the mouth hydrated, and to stay away from Ramadan sweets, because their high sugars may harm the health of teeth and gums.

You should also avoid eating salty foods at Suhoor, such as pickles, to avoid dry mouth during fasting, and eat foods rich in potassium, such as bananas, to maintain the balance of fluids and salts in the body, and then prevent dry mouth, in addition to the importance of periodic follow-up with the dentist during the holy month. Especially when you have cavities and gingivitis.

He added that in addition to the tips mentioned above, there are other things that can be done to maintain oral health during fasting in Ramadan and that can help avoid bad breath while fasting and promote oral health, such as using an alcohol-free mouthwash to kill bacteria that cause bad breath. Bad breath, he also pointed out the importance of stopping smoking as it not only causes bad breath, but it can also lead to gum disease and other oral health problems.

As advised by Dr. Hashem stressed the importance of following a balanced diet that contains plenty of fruits and vegetables, which contributes to maintaining oral health, as fruits and vegetables contain large amounts of water, which helps keep the mouth moist during daylight hours and prevents dry mouth.

Regarding the causes of bad breath during fasting, Dr. Hashem said that the most important reason is not brushing and flossing regularly, which leads to the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth, which causes bad breath, explaining that smoking is also a major cause of bad breath. Tobacco products smell lingering in the mouth and contribute to bad breath.

And he warned against eating some foods such as onions, garlic and spices, which can cause bad breath when consumed, explaining that dry mouth resulting from a lack of saliva secretion contributes to bad breath and this can also happen due to some medications or medical conditions.

And he continued that there are some diseases that may be a cause of bad breath during the month of Ramadan, such as GERD, diabetes, kidney disease, liver problems and respiratory infections, pointing out that by following the aforementioned medical advice, it is possible to help prevent bad breath while fasting in Ramadan and maintain oral health. .

He stressed the need for everyone to focus on giving priority to their oral hygiene routine during this holy month and to consult a dentist if bad breath remains or if they have questions about oral health while fasting.

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