Stop assaulting the cops?

by time news

The seriousness and high frequency of clashes between citizens and police is unfortunate and worrying. It cannot be that providing security to society results in so many attacks, or that the instructions of the security forces fall on deaf ears and end in disrespect.

This gap between police forces and civil society must be closed. The Transfer and Protection Centers are the new bet at the national level from the Police, framed in article 155 of law 1801 of the new Code. This can be a vital tool to transform the institution’s relationship with Colombian and Cali civil society.

They are spaces designed to protect the lives of citizens who may put their lives or those of third parties at risk and disturb healthy coexistence. To be taken to one of these places, one would have to wander in a defenseless state or in a seriously altered state of consciousness; or being under the influence of alcoholic beverages or psychoactive substances; or being involved in fighting or aggressive behavior, including at law enforcement. Other circumstances include when the transfer is the only means to protect the life of the person or third parties, or when the person cannot be taken to their home.

These CTP are designed to retain people for a period of twelve to twenty-four hours and develop coexistence activities with a preventive and educational approach. The purpose is more educational than repressive. Through group “reflexive workshops”, participants will learn about rights, duties, self-care, the National Police Code and other coexistence tools. There will be general psychological care and care days for citizens living on the streets. Even the pavilions allow a distribution of the transferred population, taking into account differential approaches to offer security.

Santa Marta already has a CTP, and Bogotá is building its own through an alliance between the Metropolitan Police, the Personaria, the Secretariat for Social Integration, and the Institutes for the Protection of Children (IDIPRON) and for the Social Economy ( IPES).

Cali can generate similar cooperation between the Ministry of Security and Justice and the Police. The money for the construction and management of this facility is contingent on the city becoming a chartered district. This will allow managing a greater amount of resources to contribute to security management. In addition, the Security and Coexistence Rate provided by people from stratum 4 and up from Cali through public services is significant. This project is possible.

And it would also be helpful. Amending this relationship with education and care is a sensible bet. Citizens can learn. We can bring the number of police officers attacked to zero. We can change our behavior.

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The post Stop attacking the police? appeared first on Diario Occidente.

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