Top 10 of the most egocentric celebrities

by time news

Getting to fame is not easy and staying there, even less. That’s why those who achieve it sometimes lose their footing. Today we will talk about the top 10 of the most egocentric celebrities.

But before going into details, it is worth making some clarifications.

Top 10 of the most egocentric celebrities / Photo: Getty Images

What is the disease of egocentrism called?

According to the US National Library of Medicine, the disease of self-centeredness is narcissistic personality disorder, a mental condition in which a person has an exaggerated sense of self-centeredness and self-concern.

In addition, these people often have a lack of empathy towards the other people around them.

Experts point out that there is no single known cause of this disorder, however they suggest that it may be due to insensitive upbringing or childhood injuries.

Top 10 of the most egocentric celebrities / Photo: Getty Images

How does an egocentric person behave?

According to the Mayo Clinic, these people find it difficult to understand or simply do not care about the feelings of others, although often behind that image of security, they are fragile people at the slightest criticism.

Other symptoms include:

  • Having unrealistic airs of superiority
  • Feeling that they deserve special treatment
  • Extol your achievements more than reality
  • Putting down and judging people they consider less important
  • Use people for your benefits
  • Behaving arrogantly and bragging a lot
  • Expecting special favors or controlling the people around them
  • Insist that yours is better than that of others (objects, clothes, etc.)
  • Worrying about fantasies like the best job, the best partner, etc.
  • Not caring about the thoughts or feelings of others
  • They get upset when they don’t get what they ask for or when they don’t get special treatment
  • They hide human feelings like shame, humiliation and fear of failure.

These are just some of the behavioral traits of most egocentric celebrities

Top 10 of the most egocentric celebrities / Photo: Getty Images

How does a self-centered person heal?

Mayo Clinic points out that generally, the treatment for a person with narcissistic personality disorder consists of psychotherapeutic monitoring by a specialist.

And while there is no specific cure, therapy has been shown to help in most cases. However, the person must know that he has a problem in order to seek professional help.

As you can see, the traits of a narcissistic or self-centered person can be seen in many celebrities, which is why these celebrities are in the top 10 of the most egocentric celebrities.

Since narcissistic personality disorder is an emotional condition, we leave you with an explanatory video about what is behind emotional pain.

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