Superior A.R.T. 16th Anniversary

by time news

Determined to continue to be the first in IVF service (IVF / ICSI) and assisted reproductive technology and embryo genetic diagnosis to help fulfill the dream of having a complete family

Superior A.R.T. (Superior A.R.T.) Infertility Treatment Clinic and Embryonic Genetic Diagnosis Reflecting the progress and success of being a service provider of assisted reproductive technology for the past 16 years, able to build a reputation from specialized expertise. especially in embryo genetic screening with work that is accepted in Asia

Mr James Marshall managing director and director of science He emphasized his commitment to helping infertile couples fulfill their dream of creating a complete family. with experience and expertise that covers all services related to infertility treatment Including assisted reproductive technology and embryo genetic screening before transfer back into the womb along with a team of experienced doctors, nurses and scientists equipped with modern technology and tools Enhance the ability to provide the most effective treatment services. Throughout the past 16 years, we have been entrusted to take care of infertility in more than ten thousand families, such as the family of Khun Ja Jittapa – Khun Earn Nithipat who successfully treated and was able to have children. Let’s fill the happiness in the family.

As Superior A.R.T. is an infertility treatment clinic. that provides IVF or IVF / ICSI services that pay attention to every detail Therefore, a treatment plan has been designed specifically for each individual. with appropriate and modern innovations and technologies We are therefore able to provide reproductive technologies that meet a wide range of needs, such as

  • IVF IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) or ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) methods are highly effective methods of infertility treatment and increase pregnancy rates. The doctor will take the eggs of the woman and the strong sperm of the man to be fertilized in the laboratory until it becomes an “embryo” and transfers the embryos back into the woman’s uterus. in order to continue the pregnancy This technique allows patients who are unable to conceive naturally to have a safe pregnancy.
  • Pre-implantation Genetic Testing (PGT) Diagnostic technology for genetic abnormalities and/or chromosomal abnormalities in the embryo to select healthy embryos before being implanted in the uterine cavity Help prevent the transmission of genetic diseases to children. and increase the chances of pregnancy Among the techniques commonly used are:
    • NGS (Next Generation Sequencing) is a highly accurate technique for detecting chromosomal abnormalities in all 23 pairs of embryos. By selecting embryos with normal and healthy chromosomes. Reduce the risk of having a child with abnormal conditions such as Down syndrome and increase the chance of pregnancy up to 72%.
    • Karyomapping is an embryo genetic screening technique at the single gene level prior to implantation. To select embryos that are free from inherited diseases such as thalassemia, albinism, color blindness, muscle weakness Hemophilia G6PD, etc. This technique is highly accurate. Increases the chance of pregnancy up to 76%
  • IUI (Intra-Uterine Insemination) injecting semen into the uterine cavity of the woman Around the time of ovulation or close to the time of ovulation for easier fertilization
  • Egg Freezing For modern women with delayed childbearing, egg deposition, egg storage and egg freezing. from a young age to lock the age of the eggs Help reduce the problem of infertility in the future. and reduce the risk of having a child with a chromosomal abnormality egg collection process It starts with stimulating the ovaries and collecting the eggs. to be preserved with a crystallization technique (Vitrification) by reducing the temperature rapidly to -196°C to avoid the formation of ice crystals that could damage the oocyte. When ready to have children, the frozen eggs will be thawed and used in the ICSI process.

In addition, there are many other treatment technologies such as sperm selection by Sperm MACS method, PRP treatment, Geri incubator.® , Embryo Glue, etc. It also brings artificial intelligence (AI) and new medical guidelines. to assist in data analysis To present a more suitable and effective treatment plan with care and attention by expert doctors, nurses and personnel with specific experience And consulting 24 hours a day to ensure that every family’s dreams can be fulfilled completely.

On the occasion of this 16th anniversary, Superior ART Clinic offers the ICSI Plus+NGS package, IVF service. along with NGS embryo chromosome testing and embryo freezing for a period of 1 year at a special price of only 255,000 baht from the normal price of 365,000 baht, along with many other privileges. Interested in more details on the website or read more about “What is IVF? Including IVF information”

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