Remove the wheat: how do you make sure that the gluten is nutritionally balanced?

by time news

Passover has many names: the holiday of unleavened bread, the holiday of freedom, the holiday of spring and some will say the holiday of the celiacs or a gluten-free holiday. It is evident that the variety of gluten-free products is on the rise in the last decade, and the market is especially booming before and during Passover.

The increase in gluten-free products can be attributed to a number of factors, including an increase in awareness and diagnosis of celiac disease, or by its Hebrew name Dagenat; increased awareness of gluten sensitivity; growing interest in health and quality of life; and the activity of food manufacturers who introduce gluten-free products to the market and promote them.

What is gluten?

Gluten is a plant protein found in grains: wheat, barley, rye and oats. It is found in grain-based products such as bread, rolls, pita bread, crackers, sweet and savory bakery products, pasta, semolina, couscous, bulgur and more.

Over a decade ago, avoiding gluten was mostly a matter for celiac patients. For them, this is the treatment of the disease. When a celiac patient eats food containing gluten, even in tiny amounts, his immune system works against the protein and an inflammatory process begins that causes damage to the intestine. This process results in damage to digestion and absorption of food which may lead to a wide range of symptoms: irregular bowel activity and abdominal pain, nutritional deficiencies, weight loss and growth retardation in children.

Unlike celiac disease, in cases of gluten sensitivity the symptoms are milder – mainly discomfort in the digestive system after eating food containing gluten. It goes away with the break in gluten consumption, and returns when it is consumed again. People who are sensitive to gluten can consume food containing gluten within their personal tolerance range until symptoms appear. As mentioned, in this group there are those who are very sensitive and others whose sensitivity is less. These people should be attentive to their bodies – and with the help of trial and error adjust the right diet for them.

There is a wide variety of symptoms related to the digestive system such as abdominal swelling, gas, cramps. There is also a sensitivity to wheat that is not specifically related to the gluten component. A phenomenon known as wheat intolerance occurs in different intensities and in a wide variety of symptoms. As mentioned, it is not only related to gluten, but to other less known components present in wheat, such as fructan – the sugar in wheat, or enzyme-inhibiting proteins.

Wheat intolerance or gluten sensitivity is sometimes observed in people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, a common phenomenon that affects the large intestine and is accompanied by symptoms such as cramps, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, diarrhea and constipation. For these, a diet based on the elimination method is recommended, that is, testing the negative way: examining whether there is relief following the reduction or avoidance of combining one or another food in the menu. The elimination diets include different types of carbohydrates and sugars. In this diet, people avoid wheat and see if there is relief in symptoms. If not, you can continue to consume wheat.

There is a fundamental difference between celiac patients for whom avoiding the consumption of gluten is necessary, compared to those who are sensitive to gluten and for whom avoiding or reducing gluten in the menu can facilitate and improve the quality of life.

Is it healthier to avoid gluten?

There is no proof in the scientific literature that a gluten-free diet contributes to health or is necessary for weight loss. On the contrary, most of the population can benefit from consuming wheat, barley, rye and oats in a variety of ways, and benefit from the nutritional benefits of the grains. Cereals mainly contain carbohydrates and also proteins and a little fat. Whole grains also contain prebiotic dietary fibers – which serve as a food substrate for the friendly bacteria in the digestive system and help balance the blood glucose level and the proper functioning of the digestive system. What’s more, cereals are full of group B vitamins, minerals such as iron and antioxidants that protect the body’s cells.

Extreme situations of a drastic decrease in carbohydrate consumption may lead to a decrease in the production of the serotonin hormone that helps to feel satiety, relaxed and in a good mood.

It is important not to be blinded by the “gluten-free” statement and to examine the nature of the product in relation to a similar product with an open and critical eye. These products may be inferior to their gluten-containing counterparts: high in sugar, sodium, saturated fat and artificial ingredients.

At the same time, a gluten-free menu can be nutritionally balanced if you are aware of nutritional deficiencies and carefully examine the alternative foods, so it is recommended to consult a dietitian who will give personalized instructions.

Highlights in a gluten-free diet

The motto of a balanced diet is diversity. Even those who eat everything can develop certain deficiencies, but those who reduce the variety, regardless of the reason (vegetarians, vegans, weight loss diet, ketogenic diet) should be especially responsible. There are some recommendations for those who avoid or reduce the consumption of foods with gluten:

• Consume substitutes for carbohydrates that do not contain gluten: whole rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes and corn.
It is recommended to prefer whole rice, since compared to processed rice, whole rice contains a considerable amount of dietary fiber and group B vitamins that may be lacking in people who avoid grains containing gluten.

• Enrich the menu with legumes: beans, dry peas, chickpeas, soybeans, lentils and pulses. Legumes are a good source of vegetable protein and complex carbohydrates, they are low in fat and contain dietary fiber, plenty of minerals and vitamins.

• Increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits: in order to expand the variety of vitamins, minerals and dietary fibers. 

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