Visceral fat: what it is and how to get rid of it

by time news

When we think about taking care of our body, specifically when it comes to our weight, we tend to focus on losing abdominal fat, but what about visceral fat? Here we tell you about the Visceral fat: what is it and how to get rid of it?

Perhaps you should consider paying attention to it because it can put your health at risk beyond aesthetic taste.

Visceral fat: what it is and how to eliminate it/ Photo: iStock

What is visceral fat?

According to the Mayo Clinic, the visceral fat is the amount of fat that accumulates inside the abdomen, around the internal organs.

The difference with abdominal fat is that, while abdominal fat accumulates under the skin (it is subcutaneous fat), visceral fat surrounds the internal organs, which compromises their proper functioning.

In addition, experts say that visceral fat is related to diseases such as:

Even a bad index of visceral fat is associated with premature death regardless of the person’s weight.

What increases visceral fat?

Sedentary habits and lack of exercise can increase the levels of visceral fat, in addition to a diet high in carbohydrates and sugars also favor the growth of visceral fat.

Visceral fat: What it is and how to eliminate it / Photo: iStock

How much is normal visceral fat?

Normal visceral fat is associated with people’s waist measurements.

In the case of women, their waist must not measure more than 89cm. If it exceeds 89cm, it means that there are excess levels of abdominal and visceral fat.

In the case of men, the waist must not exceed 93.4cm. In case it exceeds them, it is because there is excess abdominal and visceral fat.

Visceral fat: what it is and how to eliminate it/ Photo: iStock

What to do to eliminate visceral fat?

Mayo Clinic adds some recommendations to eliminate visceral fat, such as:

  • Replace sugary drinks: Instead you can drink water or drinks with sweetener.
  • Follow a healthy diet: Choosing vegetables, fruits, legumes and cereals as well as proteins and dairy products with low fat indexes is another of the recommendations for eliminate visceral fat.
  • Limit portions: Controlling the amounts of food is another key to reducing visceral fat. Even if the foods you choose are healthy, you should also keep in mind not to exceed the recommended servings.
  • Be physically active daily: The Mayo Clinic says the Department of Health and Human Services recommends moderate aerobic activity.

The recommended physical activity can be walking at a brisk pace for at least 150 minutes a week or running at least 75 minutes a week.

If you have a step counter, the ideal would be to reach 10,000 and even 15,000 steps a day to avoid weight gain, plus strength exercises done twice a week have also been shown to have a positive impact for eliminate visceral fat.

To minimize the risk of “rebounding,” or returning to high levels of visceral fat, the Mayo Clinic recommends that it’s best to lose weight gradually, that is, not push your body to extremes to avoid rebounding and possible physical or physical injury. metabolism damage

Now that you know about Visceral fat: what it is and how to get rid of itIt is important to remember that if your fat levels are out of the ordinary, it is best to go for a review with a specialist.

The experts will know how to guide you on the best lifestyle that suits your activities and your diet.

Avoid putting your health at risk and before taking medication, consult the professional opinion.

If you want to lose abdominal fat safely, we leave you this video where an expert sports nutritionist shares the best tips to achieve your goals:

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