what it is, the causes and symptoms of the disease that Berlusconi-time.news also has

by time news

In the acute form the problem arises in a few days or a few hours, in the chronic one it occurs progressively and constantly

Among the problems that have been attributed to Silvio Berlusconi on the occasion of his last hospitalization is kidney failure.
This disease can occur in an acute or chronic form.
in the form sharp there is an abrupt reduction in diuresis which is followed by an alteration of the volume and composition of body fluids, in the form Time.news there is the inability to eliminate most of the body’s waste products (urea, uric acid, creatinine, sulphates, etc.).

The cause

Acute renal failure can be caused by various renal diseases (tubular necrosis, acute glomerulonephritis, vascular forms, infectious forms), or depend on an obstruction of the urinary tract (for example due to stones).
Chronic renal insufficiency may depend on numerous diseases affecting the functional structures of the kidney (glomerulonephritis, chronic pyelonephritis, substance intoxication, for example mercury) or on vascular impairment or on urinary tract obstruction.


The symptoms ofacute renal failure they manifest within a few days, or a few hours: they begin with malaise, tiredness, repulsion for food, and fall rapidly with itching, loss of concentration, agitation, irritability up to shortness of breath with phases of apnea, delirium, convulsions and finally hemorrhages and infections. If the patient is not treated promptly, the disease does not overcome. The prognosis until a few years ago was always unfavorable, with the advent of dialysis many cases, if caught in time, are saved: of course it depends on the nature of the disease that caused the renal insufficiency and the resulting renal injury.
L’chronic renal failure causes a series of alterations in blood values ​​increased creatininemia, blood urea nitrogen, uricemia, anemia acid-base balance shifted towards metabolic acidosis altered electrolytes) and clinical manifestations involving various organs and systems: (nausea, vomiting, hiccups , anxiety, agitation, irritability, depression, muscle twitches and twitches up to epileptic-type convulsions, pericarditis, pleurisy, arterial hypertension, itching.

The cure

Beyond the dietary and medical measures, the therapeutic measure that has changed the life prospects of patients with severe renal insufficiency is thehemodialysis and the kidney transplant.

April 7, 2023 (change April 7, 2023 | 08:01)

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