The unemployment rate is twice as high among immigrants

by time news

THE FIGURE OF THE WEEK. It stood at 13% in France in 2021, compared to 7% for people without direct migratory ancestry.

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The unemployment rate for immigrants living in France in 2021 was 13%, according to a study by INSEE.
The unemployment rate for immigrants living in France in 2021 was 13%, according to a study by Insee.
© XOSE BOUZAS / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP

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Selon an INSEE studythe unemployment rate for immigrants living in France in 2021 was 13%, and 12% among descendants of immigrants, compared to 7% at lare people without direct migratory ancestry.

While at the national level the unemployment rate was in 2021 the same for men and women (8 %), that of immigrant men was two points lower than that of immigrant women (12% versus 14%). At the descendants of immigrants, the unemployment rate for women is, on the other hand, lower two points to that of men (11% vs. 13 %).

High youth unemployment rate

THE youth immigrants 15 to 24 years old are particularly vulnerable to unemployment, with a rate rosent To 33 % for the women and 27% for men, far superior to the 18% observed chez THE young women and men who are neither immigrants nor descendants of immigrants. This gap was also found among second-generation immigrants, with 26% of young men and 22% of young women unemployed.

Finally, 5% of immigrants were in 2021 in a situation of long-term unemploymentwhich is more than the descendants of immigrants (3%) and more than double the working population without immigrant ancestry (2%).

READ ALSOSome truths about labor immigration

The unemployment rate of immigrants and descendants of immigrants varies greatly according to geographical origin. In 2021, 6% of immigrants from southern Europe were unemployed, compared to 11% of immigrants from Asia and 16% of immigrants from the Maghreb. Similarly, the unemployment rate of descendants of immigrants of European origin is twice as low as that of descendants of immigrants of African origin (8% against 16%).

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