why all eyes are on the Zaporizhia region

by time news

Ukrainian soldiers in training. VIOLET SANTOS MOURA / REUTERS

DECRYPTION – With the arrival of spring, rumors of a future Ukrainian counter-offensive are intensifying. The Zaporizhia region seems to be the ideal terrain. But the Ukrainians are past masters in the art of striking where they are not expected.

The mercury is rising and the frost is giving way to rain. With the arrival of spring, speculation is rife: the counter-offensive announced by Ukraine several weeks ago is imminent, according to Russia. Local columnists and politicians imagine an attack during the month of April. On the Ukrainian side, we vaguely evoke the period of May or June.

But more than the date, the place crystallizes all the attention. Where will Ukraine attack? South of the Donbass, towards Vouhledar and Volnovakha, to reach Mariupol? To the north, through Lysytchansk, to encircle the Russian forces at Bakhmout? Or in the Zaporijjia region, towards Melitopol, Berdiansk, with the Sea of ​​Azov in sight? This last option is particularly scrutinized by observers of the conflict.

The Russians themselves show particular vigilance in this area. At the end of March, the Russian occupation authorities spoke of a “sharp rise…

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