Corona mystery unraveled.. This is how it appeared.. Chinese researchers opened their mouths in a way.. Parapara | What new Corona virus data from Wuhan market says about China Corona origin

by time news

Beijing: Everyone knows that Corona originated in China. However, how the corona originated was still unknown. Meanwhile, Chinese researchers have shared important data on this,

In 2019, the corona virus first spread in China. After that, Corona has caused the worst impact in all countries from America to Australia.

A curfew was imposed in all countries. Apart from the death toll caused by Corona, the economic damage caused by it was also very bad.

Corona virus: Corona has peaked in the world and since then the vaccine has been discovered and it has come under control. However, the origin of the coronavirus still remains a mystery. It was originally said to have come from the Wuhan Animal Market in China. On the other hand, it was also said that it may have spread from the virology research center in Wuhan. Even though it has been three years since the corona virus started spreading, it is still a mystery.

Complaints continue that Chinese investigators are not cooperating. In this case, Chinese researchers have published data on samples taken from the Wuhan market in 2020, when the corona virus began to spread. Although it doesn’t answer the mystery of how Corona originated, it does provide a lot of important information about Corona.

How it appeared: Some important data has been published in the journal Nature about this. It has been confirmed that animal DNA was present in samples taken from corona patients during that period. Mystery surrounding the origin of the coronavirus surrounds the Huanan seafood market. The big mystery right now is whether the coronavirus originated there or in a lab.

The journal Nature added, “This suggests that an animal may have been an intermediate host before the coronavirus hit humans. However, it fails to provide conclusive evidence that it was definitely transmitted from an animal.” It is said to be the most important piece of genetic data released since the start of the coronavirus outbreak.

Detailed Data: Hunan Market was closed on 1st Jan 2020 due to increased spread of Corona. After that a total of 923 samples were collected from there. Since January 18, they have collected 457 samples from 18 species of animals. They conducted this extensive study on samples taken from processed boxes, animals, and fish tanks.

Top researchers William J. Liu, Beibei Liu, Wenwen Li, Jiuan Jia and Xiao He from the Chinese Center for Disease Control, Weifeng Shi and Yun from the Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences in Tai’an jointly published this data on corona.

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