Is the climate emergency soluble in the economy?

by time news

Cost of natural disasters, insurance, cost of mitigation and adaptation, consequences on employment, health, migration: the effects of climate change, increasingly visible on the planet, can no longer escape to the economic world. However, our dependence on fossil fuels and carbon production is undeniable.

How to change consumer behavior? How to develop and finance investments that are more respectful of our planet, including in the less wealthy countries? How to tax the most polluting companies, without penalizing their competitiveness? While preserving the purchasing power of taxpayers and the public finances of States. Another constraint: respecting international trade rules. The Inflation Reduction Act launched by Joe Biden in the United States and the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism set up by the Europeans raise some difficulties.

So many themes for reflection that we address in this program recorded in the exceptional setting of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council Eco from here Eco from elsewhere put its microphones in this assembly where the Economy Springthree days of discussions between very high-level specialists on our common future.

Aude Pommeret, Antoine Bouët, Mame Fatou Diagne, Pierre-Pascal Boulanger around Bruno Faure. © Adrien Thibault

Our guests:

Mame Fatou Diagnehead of division in the economic department of theOECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development).

Aude Pommeretprofessor of economics at theSavoy Mont Blanc Universityscientific adviser to France Strategy.

Antoine Bouetdirector of CEPII (Center for Prospective Studies and International Information).

Pierre-Pascal Boulangerfounding president of Economy Spring.

With the participation of Cristiane Deraniprofessor of economic law at theUniversity of Santa Catarina (Brazil), member of the Center for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance (C-EENRG) at thecambridge universitymember of the Normandy Excellence Chair for Peace.

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