at the PCF congress, Fabien Roussel’s response to La France insoumise

by time news

There are several ways to look at the 39e congress of the French Communist Party (PCF), which opened in Marseilles on Friday April 7 and is due to close on Monday April 10. Like a probable further confirmation for the national secretary, Fabien Roussel, whose text of « base commune » garnered more than 80% of the votes of some 40,000 members in January. Or as a turning point for relations between the party and the New People’s Ecological and Social Union (Nupes). “The Nupes is outdated”he launched in an interview with L’Expressmonday, calling to go ” well beyond “ of the left alliance. Why not up to the former socialist prime minister Bernard Cazeneuve, destroyer of La France insoumise (LFI).

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Fabien Roussel, “happy days” with the flavor of settling accounts with Jean-Luc Mélenchon

These pre-conference expressions have one merit: they get people talking about him. It is an art that he has been refining since the presidential campaign of 2022, with his formulas on the « barbecue » or the “allowance left”. But which also exposes him to enmities. On the left, everyone has read their interviews in the press in recent days. Few, apart from the PCF and the socialist dissidents, have appreciated them.

On the side of the Socialist Party (PS), Olivier Faure sees one of his main internal opponents, Mr. Cazeneuve, designated as a solution. “To exist, Fabien Roussel understood that he had to invent things…”politely measures the first secretary of the PS, who judges the double discourse of Mr. Roussel confused, between opposition « radical » to capitalism and compliments to the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin – “I recognize in him this ability to listen to popular inhabitants”confided the communist leader to the Monde.

On the environmentalist side, Yannick Jadot notes that his former competitor in the presidential election does not have a word for ecology, nor for environmentalists, in his media expression. ” He does not care. His strategy is to put the PC back in the spotlight through himself. But does that structure a political dynamic? It remains to be verified »underlines the European deputy Europe Ecology-The Greens.

” We are free “

The “rebellious” also read the many interviews with Fabien Roussel. Especially his criticisms of the left alliance. Their resentment vis-à-vis the former communist candidate, accused of having deprived Jean-Luc Mélenchon of the second round, is all the greater. In a letter sent Thursday morning to the leadership of the PCF, the coordinator of LFI, Manuel Bompard, said he had received “with amazement and gravity” the statements of the deputy from the North. “Is his desire to break with Nupes the position of the PCF now? », he asks.

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