«My marriage with Paolo Virzì is in a delicate phase»- time.news

by time news
Of Simona Marchetti

In an interview with the weekly «Grazia» the actress spoke of her relationship with the director who, according to various rumors, has been in crisis for some time. Already in 2018 the two had separated, but then they had decided to get back together

Rumors of crisis had been circulating for a while and some time ago the weekly «Diva e Donna» spoke of a definitive break. Now Micaela Ramazzotti has decided to come out and explain where his marriage really is with Paolo Virzi. «In all marriages there are difficult moments and ours is in a delicate phase – admitted the actress in an interview with «Grazia» -. We are collaborating with Paolo to manage this situation in the best possible way and that is why I hope that our privacy is respected by everyone”.

Together since 2007 (they met on the set of «All life ahead» and it was love at first sight), two years later Ramazzotti and the director got married and their children Jacopo and Anna (respectively 13 and 10 years). In 2018, however, the actress and Virzì athey had been going through a difficult time and they had distanced themselves, announcing the end of the marriage with a press release and starting the separation procedures, but a year later the couple had met again and had decided to give themselves another chance. “Relationships evolve over time. They bloom, they grow, they go in waves », concluded the actress, suggesting that perhaps not all is lost yet.

April 7, 2023 (change April 7, 2023 | 12:45 am)

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