Saving money still weighs more than sustainability in adopting the circular economy

by time news

The purchase of used products seems to have gained space in Brazil. A Capterra study on circular economy and resale products shows that 90% of Brazilian respondents purchase second-hand products with some frequency.

The online survey was carried out between November and December 2022 and had the participation of 1034 people from all regions of the country.

The aim of the circular economy is to make products spend more time in the consumption chain to avoid waste and environmental contamination; in this sense, second-hand items help to delay the disposal of products.

However, it is not sustainable practices that most motivate consumers to purchase used goods. According to the study, saving money is the factor that most weighs in the purchase of these products (39%) – sustainability is cited next, with 20% of respondents pointing to this reason.

“We observed that, among unemployed people, the percentage of those who claim to always buy this type of product is higher than those who had a job at the time of the survey. This reinforces the economic bias of second-hand purchases”, comments the analyst responsible for the study, Marcela Gava.

In a scenario of high inflation, which reduces people’s purchasing power, it is even expected that consumers will look for ways to obtain products they need without it weighing so much on their pockets. Therefore, businesses that invest in the segment must pay attention to optimize pricing of used products.

The data also indicate that electronics (55%), books (53%) and clothing (46%) are the main types of products purchased by respondents in this type of trade.

Concern about the life cycle of products

The frequent –and often irregular– disposal of electronic waste is a problem for the environment, as its composition with toxic materials can cause contamination in ecosystems. Keeping products and inputs longer within the consumption chain is a way to curb this situation.

In this context, respondents to the Capterra survey demonstrated concern about the life cycle of the products they purchase.

That’s because 9 out of 10 (91%) said they agreed with the statement that “[eles] actively care about extending the lifecycle of the products they buy” –49% strongly agree with the statement and 42% partially agree.

Source: Capterra

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