Analysis of Deceive Inc. Marching a spy war!

by time news

To win at Deceive Inc. you will have to be a master of disguise

In these times, not all battles are won by brute force. Sometimes Perspicacity, cunning… and having a good intelligence service weigh more. A good hack, a costume suitable for every occasion and moving with lead feet will be the fundamental elements that we will need to win in each battle of Deceive Inc. If you are interested in the multiplayer proposal offered Sweet Bandits Studios With Tripwire PresentsDon’t waste any more time and take a look at the analysis that we have prepared for you.

A magician in the shadows

As we have commented, Deceive Inc. is a multiplayer game where we will control a spy. Our job as a good secret agent will be simple: extract the package from the zone and not die trying. Although to get there, you will first have to bypass the security system of the venue, and of course, not be caught by the rest of the users who will have the same claims as us.

I don’t know if you remember Assassin’s Creed II multiplayer, where we moved around a closed environment pretending to be an NPC while we assassinated the rest of the players. Well, that atypical experience for a multiplayer aspect is recovered this time, although magnified at all levels. We will have to be masters of disguise, blend in with the rest of the characters and not attract too much attention. with our actions if we don’t want to be ambushed by other enemy spies.

Caught red handed

In the first phase of each game, each player will have to perform several secondary objectives that consist of hacking security systems or seizing surveillance cameras. A task that will not be easy, since many of the doors will be blocked, and we will need a minimum amount of confidential documents to pass. In order to access these areas, we will have no choice but to search every corner of the stage for computers, mobile phones and devices of the same nature that grant us these long-awaited documents. The bad thing is, when trying to get them, we can be “caught” by another player, and that’s when the fuss breaks out on the screen…

Once that first phase is over (and if we are still alive), it will be time to extract the package. With this package in hand, our mission is not over yet. It will be time to take to our heels and reach the collection point, where a car will be waiting for us that will mark, now, the end of our mission. Getting to this final point will not be easy, but if we do, it ends up being most satisfying.

disguise school

As if it were a game of Overwatch, in Deceive Inc. we will have several spies to select. Each of them will have their weapon, passive skills and power-ups that will make us play one way or another. While some have a shield umbrella to avoid bullets, others have a sniper rifle to follow espionage from a distance. I particularly liked a secret agent equipped with a crossbow in hand and with the ability to recognize the location of nearby users if they shoot.

Although at the beginning of the adventure we will only have three selectable characters, we will be able to get money from the game itself and begin to unlock other spies. It does not have a pay to win factor, don’t worry. Although whoever plays the most will have a series of advantages, it is due to some cards that we will be collecting. Beyond these cards or new characters, all the money we acquire will be for cosmetic use.

I have lacked a small lore for each secret agent. We have seen how companies are increasingly concerned with the context of each warrior, providing a situation and reasons for their actions. Here there is none of that, and we will simply carry out the missions for the sake of it. It would have felt great if he had external factors or a global marker for various spy bands. In the end everything is focused on playing for fun, without an apparent reason… or at least that’s the way it is until the first season begins, still without a scheduled date.

Where is the enemy?

Don’t be surprised that at first you find yourself a bit lost, not knowing what to do on stage. Little by little we will be capturing the essence that Deceive Inc. wants to show. It is a game that invites mischief, patience and strategies to achieve our goals. Furthermore, there is an option to play online in groups of three people where that strategic factor is greatly accentuated that I mentioned before. There will be those who prefer to go crazy, but entering a china shop like an elephant will only make the rest of the players notice you and look for the optimal moment to silence you.

And speaking of the online factor, it can be said that the search for a game and the flow in each round has been more than satisfactory. Deceive Inc. is a game where everything has to go smoothly. Not only because of the shooter factor that it has in every encounter with other players, but also because it has to move naturally so that we go unnoticed among so many NPCs. If our movement was jerky, atypical, and confusing with respect to the characters controlled by the game, the whole essence would be ruined in a moment.

Long live retro-futurism!

Visually we can’t find any complaints either. Everything looks very colorful, with clear touches cartoon that fit you very well. It has that mix between an old look and modern elements that It kind of reminds me of the Deathloop universe, although saving the distances, obviously. There are always objects and decorations for each room, which we will have to scrutinize in detail to find the valuable chips or other aids in the form of power-ups or keys.

The only thing we can miss is a greater variety of scenarios. It is true that those that are available for launch are very extensive, and on more than one occasion we will feel lost among its corridors or the different floors that make up each location. However, to start with the proposal that Deceive Inc. offers us and adapt to its stealth and espionage mechanics, these screens will be enough. We will see if in the future the title progresses properly and we see a greater variety of situations and/or game modes.

Conclusions of Deceive Inc.

Espionage friends and disguise masters have a date with the new proposal from Sweet Bandits Studios and Tripwire Presents. In Deceive Inc. we find ourselves before a multiplayer experience where we have to put all our mischief, insight and stealth into play so as not to be discovered by the rest of the users. Our mission will consist of extracting a package from the facilities without dying in the attempt, and for this we will have to know how to move through each phase without raising suspicions so as not to be caught by the rest of the secret agents who will be wandering around just like us.

Despite the fact that we have a good roster of characters, I lack a context for each of them, apart from a story or small common thread that encourages us to achieve our goals. Also missing is a greater variety of scenarios and game modes, although all this can vary with the arrival of the first season and a good reception by the community of spies who enjoy this particular online aspect.

Deceive Inc.


Deceive Inc.


  • A different multiplayer experience
  • Several ways to “spy” according to our secret agent
  • Large scenarios and several ways to approach each game


  • I’m missing a general context and lore for each character
  • No season pass (yet) or optional game modes
  • At first it can be a bit chaotic and unpredictable

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