This is the best remedy to lighten the armpits

by time news

Without a doubt, many women seek to clarify some part of their body. Natural remedies are sometimes a great option to achieve this, so this is the best remedy to lighten the armpits.

According to a study published by The State University of New Jersey, las axillas They can darken for various reasons, either because you shave constantly or they can darken due to the use of a deodorant that is aggressive for your skin type.

That is why many women choose to shave their armpits with other products such as wax and change their deodorant for a neutral one, which is less aggressive with the skin.

This is the best remedy to lighten the armpits / Photo: iStock

What is good to remove the black from the armpits?

To remove stains or darkening of the underarm areaan ingredient that you probably have at home has been used for a long time: baking soda.

The popularity and versatility of this bicarbonate makes it useful for many things, from absorbing scents, cleaning the house to exfoliating. Some even use baking soda as a natural deodorant for its ability to absorb odors.

How to rinse armpits immediately with bicarbonate?

Baking soda is the best remedy to lighten armpitsso we show you how to prepare it so that you can whiten your armpits safely.

According to Apratim Goel, dermatologist, to clarify whiten your armpits, you must do the following:

  • Mix two tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate in a glass container.
  • Add a ‘splash’ of water and mix with a spoon.
  • Apply the paste to your underarms in circular motions.
  • Let it sit on your armpits for 3 to 4 minutes.
  • Rinse with cold water; It is important that you make sure that there is no residue.
  • Do not apply deodorant, leave your armpits free of any product for a few hours.

This is the best remedy to lighten the armpits / Photo: iStock

What happens if I put baking soda on my armpits every day?

It is recommended that the bicarbonate that is the best remedy to whiten the armpits use it for a month, applying it twice a week, you will be able to notice how your armpits have a lighter shade.

Remember that you should not leave it on the skin for more than 4 minutes.

What damage can baking soda do to the skin?

It is important to let you know that before carrying out the procedure, you must do a test to measure your sensitivity because the skin of the armpit it is delicate and has an acidic pH, while baking soda has an alkaline pH.

This could generate adverse reactions such as dryness, pain and irritation.

To make sure you won’t have an adverse reaction, you can put a little bit of baking soda on a small area of ​​skin (such as part of your arm) and measure. If you feel discomfort or irritation, you should not place it on the axillas.

This is the best remedy to lighten the armpits / Photo: iStock

What happens if I leave baking soda in my armpits all night?

As the recommendation is that the bicarbonate not exceed 4 minutes on your skin, probably if you leave it overnight you will suffer considerable irritation, so you should not allow that to happen.

As always, we remind you that you should also consider that darkening can sometimes be due to hormonal problems or insulin resistance, so it is best to go for a medical check-up to rule out any major problem.

If the health personnel prove that you can use this remedy to lighten the armpits, we hope it will be useful to you.

about the whiteningwe leave you a video about some tips that you can follow to whiten your teeth.

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