the hearing adjourned to April 12 – Info-Matin

by time news

The hearing of the court of commune 2 seized of the trial for dissolution of the African Social Democratic Party (PSDA) was postponed yesterday Wednesday to next April 12.

Following a request from the General Directorate of State Litigation, on behalf of the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralization, the hearing on the dissolution of the African Social Democratic Party (PSDA) initially scheduled for yesterday Wednesday had another postponement on April 12 at the request of the judges, according to party sources.
Against this member party of the Exchange Framework, the Ministry of Territorial Administration accuses its president, Ismaël SACKO, of remarks “to destabilize”, of attack “on public order and national sovereignty”, of ” conspiracy against the State of Mali”.
Outside the country, President Ismaël SACKO contacted by us says that he would have liked to be present at this trial, but fearing the scenario Soumeylou Boubèye MAIGA, Oumar MARIKO, he says he prefers to follow this trial from a distance.
On the charges of the government, President SACKO admits having made interventions on RFI and having written “Mali deserves better”. But, he defends himself, nowhere has there been exaggeration and violations of freedom of opinion in his remarks.
“My interventions fell within the framework of my freedom of opinion without violating the law in particular article 19 of the charter of the political parties”, declared Mr. SACKO, while denouncing the double standards of the authorities of the transition who tolerate violations by their supporters.
Furthermore, he denounced that the PSDA has never associated itself with a force to destabilize the country contrary to the allegations of the authorities by challenging them to provide evidence.
“It is absurd. The Ministry of Territorial Administration has no material evidence. So, it’s a state lie to harm the image of President Ismaël SACKO”, indicated the president of the PSDA, adding that he is being prosecuted by the Ministry of Territorial Administration for having had the courage to denounce the forfeiture.
For him, “No intimidation will make us back down. We will continue to tell the truth while respecting the texts. Even this week, I will write… Nothing will prevent us from speaking out and writing about the situation in our country, we will never be silent about the truth”.
The charter of political parties, he says, gives them the right to speak out and express themselves on the situation.
“We have remained legalistic, conformist and we remain constant, consistent in our fight for the rest of the rule of law, the restoration of democracy and all freedoms in accordance with the constitution”, declared Mr. SACKO.
For him, the actions of the PSDA fell within the framework of the construction of the country and the orientation of the authorities of the transition which, according to him, seem to settle in the dictatorship.
In addition, he welcomed the mobilization of political parties alongside his political formation which is also a victory for democracy.
“This trial is that of democracy against dictatorship,” said Mr. SACKO.


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