The 13 best doctors and nurses in Mexico

by time news
  • The General Health Council announced the winners of the “Eduardo Liceaga” Award 2023.
  • In total, 142 applications were received for the 13 categories within a process of absolute transparency.
  • The winners today are considered the best doctors in Mexico.

The field of health is not only one of the most complex but also one of the most competitive. For this reason, getting to stand out is quite complicated, although not impossible. In fact, Some doctors have done outstanding work for decades and that is why today they are considered the best in Mexico, but do you know who they are?

The General Health Council (CSG) has recognized since 1940 health professionals who are distinguished by their work and who transcend for the benefit of the health of Mexicans. To provide this process with transparency, in an unprecedented way the members of the jury were proposed by public sector institutions, who were proposed to use an innovative qualitative evaluation tool for each of the award-winning categories.

Since 1985, these recognitions have been awarded within the framework of World Health Day. The objective is to publicize the importance of the work that is carried out, as well as encourage quality, innovation and the continuous work of professionals to address the challenges facing public health.

“Eduardo Liceaga” Award 2023

For the 2023 edition of these awards, health institutions, higher education, academies, scientific societies, councils, professional groups and academics in the health area in general were invited to present the candidacies of those professionals, who are leading figures distinguished for their merits and relevant and distinguished contribution to the benefit of people’s health at the national level.

A total of 142 applications were received for the 13 categories. With absolute transparency, more than 90 juries were convened for analysis, evaluation and deliberation of the winners of the awards.

Previously, the juries were summoned directly at the request of the head of the Secretary of the General Health Council, academic experts in the thirteen award categories were considered for the evaluation of the candidates. This year an unprecedented turn was taken to complement the profile of the juries and the heads of all public institutions in the Health sector (IMSS, ISSSTE, Sedena, Semar, Pemex, DIF, CCINSHAE and Insabi) were requested to that they propose experts to be juries; that is to say, that they were representatives of the institutions of the National Health System.

Additionally, the use of a qualitative evaluation tool for each of the categories was proposed to the juries, as support to improve the evaluation and make their elective exercise more transparent; Criteria such as: vocation of service, training of specialized human capital, scientific, technical and institutional contributions of the candidates were contemplated.

The best doctors in Mexico

This new form of selection of the juries contributes to strengthening the representativeness of the institutions in the awards and recognitions granted by the Council, to a selection of the winners in a transparent manner, based on debate and exchange. of arguments, and that all institutions ratify their membership in the General Health Council.

Regarding the winners, those who made up the jury considered the Health professionals mentioned below deserving of recognition:

1. “Eduardo Liceaga” Award to Rafael Medrano Guzmán of the Oncology Hospital of the CMN “Siglo XXI” of the IMSS.
2. “Doctor Miguel Otero” Award for Clinical Research, to Óscar Gerardo Arrieta Rodríguez from the National Institute of Cancerology (InCan).
3. “Doctor Gerardo Varela” Award for Public Health, to Tonatiuh Barrientos Gutiérrez, from the National Institute of Public Health (INSP).
4. “Doctor Manuel Velasco Suárez” Award in Neurology and Neurosurgery, to Fernando Sabino Barinagarrementeria Aldatz, of the National Institute of Neurology Neurosurgery (INNN)
5. “Doctor Guillermo Soberón Acevedo” Award for Institutional Development, to Jorge Adán Alegría Baños.
6. “Doctor Ramón de la Fuente Muñiz” Mental Health Award, to Rosa María Osiris Pazarán Galicia, from the “Fray Bernardino Álvarez” Psychiatric Hospital.
7. “Doctor Ignacio Chávez” Award for Medical Humanism to Jorge Loria Castellanos from the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS).
8. “Martín de la Cruz” Award for Chemical and Biological Research, to María Eva González Trujano, from the National Institute of Psychiatry (INP).
9. “Dr. Margarita Chorné and Salazar” Award in Stomatology, to Jesus Bernardo Noriega Cruz, of the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena).
10. “Doctor Miguel Francisco Jiménez” Award, to Mónica Griselda Arellano Mendoza, from Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), for her outstanding work in the practice of family medicine at the first level of care.

In the nursing categories, it was awarded to:

11. “Refugio Esteves Reyes Nurse” Award, to Carlos Omar Fuentes Hernández from the Secretary of the Navy (Semar), who has provided professional services in disaster areas or circumstances.
12. “Nurse Isabel Cendala y Gómez” Award, to María Jovita Plascencia Ordaz, who has distinguished herself professionally in the area of ​​public and community health.
13. “Lucía Salcido Nursing Assistant” Award, to Dora Edith López Rivera of the National Institute of Pediatrics (INP) for her excellent career and outstanding work in her field.

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