“Elisabeth Borne’s survival operation echoes that planned by François Fillon in 2010”

by time news

LPolitical history is an eternal restart. In the fall of 2010, François Fillon found himself in great difficulty, the day after a trying sequence linked to the pension reform, which lengthened the retirement age from 60 to 62 years. Promulgated on November 9, 2010, the law sparked huge demonstrations. Wishing to give new impetus to his five-year term, Nicolas Sarkozy plans to change Prime Minister; the name of Jean-Louis Borloo is mentioned.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Between Emmanuel Macron and Elisabeth Borne, unease sets in

But Mr. Fillon does not let himself be done. On November 3, 2010, Jacques Chirac’s former labor minister delivered his vision of reform and social dialogue at length in a speech at Matignon. A counter-offensive on the ground of his rival, then seen as a face of social dialogue. That day, Mr. Fillon – who knows that Mr. Sarkozy has crystallized the anger in the parades – pleads for a better articulation between social democracy and political democracy. “Political firmness without social dialogue is a fault”, he said. Or : “The voice of protesters must always be respected, which does not mean that they can have the last word. »

François Fillon had prepared his counter-offensive, weighing every word. Did Elisabeth Borne attempt the same “survival operation”, when she knows that her days at Matignon are numbered? Thursday, April 6, the day after the failure of her tour de table with the unions, the Prime Minister met several journalists to defend her method, much criticized at the Elysée, where we comment on “Elisabeth’s double error” (having failed to negotiate with the CFDT and Les Républicains, as well as having engaged in counter-productive communication on the reform, presented as ” just “).

Strain the relationship a little

After publication, Friday (in The world, Point and on RTL), of some of his remarks, sliced, the entourage of Mme Borne denied any desire to stand out from the president. But calling on the“appeasement” while Mr. Macron continues to be divisive with Laurent Berger, or hoping that a « cap » be quickly set to restore « souffle » in the five-year term, the Prime Minister makes – at the very least – her singularity heard. And thereby demonstrates that she knows how to play politics, far from the reputation of “techno” that sticks to her skin. “If she doesn’t move, she dies”underlines one of his supporters of the government.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Elisabeth Borne calls for “respecting a period of convalescence” after the pension reform and stands out from Emmanuel Macron

After promulgating his pension reform, Mr. Sarkozy announced a “new stage”when Mr. Macron evokes a “new method”. In his November 2010 speech, Mr. Fillon pleaded for the “continuity”. Same argument used by Mme Borne, who explains that the country, tired, does not need a big upheaval, even less a “new method” loudly announced.

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