What is it and where do you get the coconut apple? The popular TikTok fruit

by time news

Recently on social media like TikTok y Facebook The tropical fruit par excellence, the coconut, went viral. The reason? Here we will tell you.

Although most people tend to like coconut meat and milk, very few know about the ‘coconut apple’, also a product of this fruit.


It is important to specify that its name does not have to do with the mixture of both fruits (apple and coconut), but that the sponge that forms and develops inside the coconut is known in this way.

This sponge begins to form inside the coconut when it detaches from the palm tree and falls to the ground, so after a few months the water inside it becomes a sponge.

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The coconut apple is characterized by being nutritious, juicy and having a sweet flavor when it is tender; however, it always maintains its sweetness.

This fruit can be consumed when it is within its first germination periods, measuring between 3 and 15 centimeters, for this you have to wait until the stem is approximately 25 centimeters.


The coconut apple is round and has a sweet flavor, it also has a thick cream with granules typical of the fruit. Its texture is spongy, similar to cotton, with a sweet aroma and a light cream tone.

Its consumption provides a high content of minerals and vitamins.

Tell us, have you tried the coconut apple?

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