Hello, my name is Ángel and I am cilantrophobic – Science or Fiction

by time news

Hi, I’m Angel and I have cilantrophobia. When I eat coriander, it tastes like soap to me. It seems I’m not the only one. But there is hope, according to a study, we can reduce ourselves if we make the effort to believe that it is not so bad. I’m going to try it while I eat and repeat “it doesn’t taste that bad.” If you want it very strong, everything can come true.

Does cilantro taste like soap to you? https://www.elingenierococinero.com/cilantro-puede-saber-jabon/
The thing seems genetic https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22977065/
You get out of everything, even cilantrophobia https://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/14/dining/14curious.html

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