all the news Maternity deductions, new sections of personal income tax and changes to pension plans

by time news

BarcelonaThe rent campaign starts next Tuesday, April 11, with several new features. The declaration to pay personal income tax (IRPF) for the year 2022, which, like every year, will end on June 30, will have as the most prominent changes new modifications to bonuses on pension plans, improvements to access to deductions for maternity and adjustments to the autonomous sections of the IRPF in Catalonia. We list them for you:

Maternity deductions

“Until now, the deduction was only for working mothers with children under the age of three,” explains Carme Jover, a professor at the Barcelona School of Management – UPF and president of the taxation committee of the College of Economists of Catalonia. After the changes, with the declaration that starts this week, it can also be claimed by unemployed mothers who have been unemployed after January 1, 2020, with retroactive effects, he adds. Therefore, unemployed mothers of children younger than three will be able to tick a special box to get this help for the years 2020, 2021 and 2022.

More incentives for company pension plans

The Spanish government continues to bet on fiscally favoring company pension plans over individual ones. This policy was introduced by the Minister of Social Security, José Luis Escrivá, and has been in place for several years. In 2022, private pension plans see the deduction reduced from the 2,000 of the last campaign to 1,500 euros, while for corporate pension plans it rises from 8,000 to 8,500 euros, whether they are made by the worker himself or by the company that employs him. In other words, a worker can deduct 10,000 euros between the two types of plans.

Changes to the regional sections of the personal income tax

At the end of 2021, the Department of Economy of the Generalitat introduced changes to the regional sections of the personal income tax, which are half of this tax (the other half is set by the central government). So, with this campaign, 10.5% is taxed in the first section, which reaches 12,450 euros, while a second section was created up to 17,707 euros, with 12%. From this figure up to 21,000 euros, the rate rises to 14%, and it will be one more point, 15%, between 21,000 and 33,000. From 33,000 to 53,407 euros, the percentage to be paid increases by three tenths, up to 18.8%. These changes make the lowest section go from 21% to 20% at a consolidated level, that is, taking into account the regional and state sections.

Stable minimum exempt

The income below which it is not necessary to declare the income remains at 22,000 euros per year, but in the case of having two payers during the financial year, this figure is reduced to 15,000 euros per year, one thousand euros more than the marked for the previous campaign. Despite not having the obligation, a person who earns less than this can still do it, in some cases to recover part of the income tax deductions made on the payroll.

More deductions for the self-employed

Freelancers taxed by the module system are in for a treat and will see the module net yield bonus increase from 5% to 15%.

In addition, the self-employed who engage in agricultural activities may apply reductions equivalent to 35% of the costs of agricultural diesel and 15% of the costs of fertilizers, a measure to partially compensate for the increase in the price of raw materials this past year .

Cultural voucher and subsidy for low incomes

Throughout 2022, the State approved two grants, an income of 200 euros for people in the most vulnerable economic situation and the so-called bo cultural for 18-year-olds, which represented a maximum amount of 400 euros to spend on cultural activities and products. The two subsidies must be presented as a capital gain in the declaration, as long as “the minimum is reached” to make the declaration, explains Jover.

The tax on great fortunes

The income campaign will also affect Spaniards with large assets, but little for the Catalans, who will continue to pay regardless of whether they do the same. The Spanish wealth tax, approved by the government last November, works in parallel with the wealth tax, which is already quite high in Catalonia, so it will have a smaller impact. According to the calculations, the tax will affect around 290 Catalan taxpayers who have personal assets of more than 17.5 million euros. The rest of the taxpayers will not notice any change.

More details in the cryptocurrency box

“It must be very clear that cryptocurrencies must be declared,” says Jover. This fact is not new, since it had always been like this, but since the previous declaration, crypto assets already had their own section, which on this occasion has been made more detailed.

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