God “Wants to Tell Us Something” Through Nature, Says Astronomer

by time news

According to the Holy Bible, creation testifies to the greatness of God, something that famous astronomer Heino Falcke goes beyond. This is because, for him, it also “wants to tell us something” about the Creator’s intentions.

“I think it’s beautiful to be part of creation and see all of this,” said Heino, according to Christian Network Europe. As a professor at the Radboud University of Nijmegen, in the Netherlands, the German radio astronomer is used to observing and noticing the complexity of created nature.

Known for being a photographer of black holes in space, Heino says he believes that there is much more hidden from human eyes than what we can see in the universe. “When we look up, He still wants to tell us something,” he said, referring to the author of Creation.

“When you know who the Creator of all this is and that He takes care of us humans, you start to see nature more and more as a love letter written by God”, highlighted the astronomer.

It’s in the bible

The perception of astronomer Heino Falcke is in agreement with the Holy Bible. In the book of Romans 1:20, for example, the apostle Paul stated that faith in God is also grounded in nature.

That’s because, according to Paul, the “things invisible from the creation of the world, both his eternal power and his Godhead, are understood and clearly seen by the things that are created, so that they may be inexcusable.”

The psalmist, too, in the book of Psalms 19:1, states that “the heavens declare the glory of God; the firmament proclaims the work of his hands.”

By noting that black holes are complex structures in the universe, but still within a context of perfect balance capable of allowing human life on Earth, Heino agrees with the teaching of the Scriptures, demonstrating once again that the relationship between science and faith It’s closer than some might think.

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