Covid, an 83-year-old immunosuppressed affected by a Brazilian variant. Second vaccine dose received a few days ago

by time news

An immunosuppressed 83-year-old man who had received the second dose of vaccine a few days ago is hospitalized in Palermo because it was hit by Covid. The unity of microbiology and virology dat the hospital Villa Sofia – Brain through gene sequencing investigation tests has identified the Brazilian variant P.1. As per ministerial protocol, notification and transmission to the regional reference laboratory was carried out. The patient, vaccinated with Pfizer, a few days after the second dose, informs the hospital, arrived at the emergency room of the brain accusing “clinically significant respiratory and intestinal symptoms”.

Once the clinical and microbiological diagnosis with a molecular swab had been made, the elderly person was immediately hospitalized in respiratory intensive care and thanks to the collaboration of first aid, infectious diseases, respiratory intensive, microbiology and virology of the Palermo hospital – hub for Covid -19 – “was identified as a highly suspicious patient of being a carrier of a gene variant, as was later verified. The patient is currently undergoing intensive support treatment of vital functions “.
The microbiology and virology unit of the Villa Sofia – Cervello hospital, directed by Orazia Diquattro, has identified the Brazilian variant ‘P.1’ through gene sequencing investigation tests with the Ngs technique.

Getting infected between the first and second dose of vaccine is possible because only a few weeks after completing the course you get coverage that in the case of vaccines a Rna messenger exceeds 95%. There is therefore a percentage, albeit small, that is not covered by immunization. The companies that developed the vaccines are hard at work testing the compounds on emerging variants, and all experts remember that it shouldn’t take more than six weeks to recalibrate the compound.

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