in Italy, English is now prevalent, with over 91 percent of cases –

by time news

the report edited by the Istituto Superiore di Sanit (ISS), the Ministry of Health and the Bruno Kessler Foundation on presence of Covid variants in Italy and their prevalence in the territory. There English variant is confirmed by now predominant in our country. As of April 15, B.1.1.7 was in fact al 91,6%, (up from 86.7% on March 18). For that Brazilian (P.1) the prevalence was del 4,5% (while it was 4.0% in the last analysis), the others monitored remained below 0.5%, with a single case of the Indian variant (B.1.617.2) e 11 of the Nigerian one (B.1.525).

The sample study

The report was made on a statistical and percentage basis by asking the Regions and Autonomous Provinces to select subsamples of positive cases and to sequence the genome of the virus in a random manner with a certain geographical representation and for different age groups. In total, the 21 Regions and Autonomous Provinces and a total of 113 laboratories participated in the survey. The survey integrates routine monitoring activities and therefore does not contain all the cases of variants detected, but only those relating to the only one day taken into consideration.
The English variant is now dominant, as had been predicted, given its greater transmissibility compared to the archaic SARS-CoV-2. The prevalence values oscillate between the individual Regions between 77.8% and 100%. The English variant considered more lethal by some studies (the evidence does not agree). The effect of the vaccine together with the recent closures, however, could help mitigate the effects of the massive growth of B.1.1.7.

The other variants

The other variants present are those that could somehow create more reinfections or problems with vaccines (see the links above), but they are not very widespread and have been contained. In particular, there are no traces of the South African that was present in the previous report (at 0.1%) and that in South Africa caused the withdrawal of the AstraZeneca vaccine and there is only one case of the Indian variant, which however may have reached an extent greater with some flights and workers (see the case of the possible red zone in the province of Latina), but there is still no data on this.

April 30, 2021 (change April 30, 2021 | 16:21)


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