This is how Jesus rose |

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On Saturday Jesus he lay dead in the rock-hewn tomb, at least apparently, because according to salvation history, between his death on the cross and his resurrection, the accommodation to hell.

According to Catholic teaching, this follows from the divinity of Jesus: it expresses that he always had and still has power over death and the underworld. Hell here does not denote the place of punishment for the damned, but the land of the dead, where all the dead reside, the sole basis of their existence, according to Old Testament revelation, is that God knows and counts them. In the New Testament, at the resurrection of Jesus, it was stated that the redemption also benefited those who had already lived and died before.

“I have not yet ascended to my Father”

It was still dark on Sunday morning, Mary Magdalene he went out to the tomb and noticed that the stone had been moved. He quickly spread the news To Peter Simon, who, together with another disciple, was convinced with his own eyes that the tomb really contained only the lamp and the headscarf, and then they returned to theirs. Only Mária continued to stand in front of the rock and wept.

Once he looked into the tomb, where two angels dressed in white were sitting where the body of Jesus had previously been lying. They asked him why he was shedding tears, and he replied: “Because they took my Lord, and I don’t know where they put him.” With that, he turned and saw Jesus standing behind him, who also asked him why he was crying. Mary thought she was talking to the gardener, and asked him if he had taken the body of Jesus, to hand it over to him. Jesus called him by name, and Mary cried out: Rabboni! That is: Master! Jesus answered:

Let me! I have not yet ascended to my Father. Rather, go to my brothers and tell them: I am ascending to my Father and your Fathers, to my God and your God.

Maria did so anyway.

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“Blessed are those who do not see and yet believe”

In the evening, the disciples gathered and closed the door in their fear. Suddenly Jesus appeared and greeted them: “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you.” With that he breathed on them and continued:

Take the Holy Spirit! The one whose sins you forgive will be forgiven, and the one you keep will remain in sin.

One of the disciples Thomas he was not present, he was told the news later, but he doubted it. He said he would believe it when he saw the nail marks on his hand and could touch the wound on his side. Eight days later, when the disciples were together again, Jesus appeared again and turned to Thomas, showing him his wounds. Tamás was shocked: “My Lord and my God!”

To which Jesus: “You believed because you saw. Blessed are those who do not see and yet believe.”

Our article John the Gospel of Szent István was created His Bible Based on.

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