Miracles happen – the Easter bell announces!

by time news

When the leaves fell in autumn, there was less hope that life would spring from under them, from the withered ones. Having received the transformation of nature, albeit slowly, we observe how a new green life emerges, similar to how we ourselves, as if we washed ourselves, after winter, during Lent, lived in anticipation during Holy Week, as if we are approaching Easter with stronger joints, brighter thoughts… The lights will go out in the churches. Our vigil at Christ’s tomb is waiting… waiting for birth and rebirth in ourselves, for ourselves, for our loved ones and for the world. When the candle of each person waiting is lit with consecrated fire, when sins, falls and ups and downs are “washed away” with holy water, a new hope will be lit in the hearts to rise again… to look at myself in a new way, to answer myself who I am. We will be able to share the light with which we will be illuminated, waiting for the Resurrection, after reflecting on our own path and that of Christ. On that night of waiting for a miracle, participating in the liturgies of Light, Word, Baptism and Eucharist, we will once again see LIFE triumph in our own way. How important it is, especially in this day and age, when we pray for peace and live together through the hardships of a war not so far away. When we often “war” with each other or with ourselves… We are also watched by returning spirits. They help us to wake up the earth and life in everything, especially in the perception of how fragile and temporary everything is – and the circle of nature will turn again, gardens will bloom, bear fruit, and leaves will fall again… After all, life is born. Then we don’t think about death. And maybe it’s good if we enjoy more, if we exercise those joints of ours and don’t allow ourselves to “hurt”… Because we know how to love pain and love the enemy – to pray for them. During the Eucharistic liturgy we hear: “If a grain of wheat does not fall into the ground and die, will remain alone, but if it dies, it will bear much fruit” (John 12:24). The lit light in our hearts testifies to how it is possible to light the fire of hope in suffering and to overcome difficulties by believing in ourselves, by believing in what life gives to each of us – love.
Early in the morning, participating in the Mass of the Resurrection, each of us will hear the ringing of the Easter bells, announcing a new, never-ending life. Only the sound of his Resurrection will resound in different ways – the deaf, the sick, and criminals will all listen to it, because God knows how to love equally. The serious sounds of “Requiem” will be a symbolic introduction to the cheerful, joyful “Hallelujah”… Holy Easter will help everyone find the strength and will to be reborn, open to spring, light and sincere communion with oneself, family members, relatives, singles – at the Easter table, which will remain the continuation of continuing to travel with the circle of nature, and the shared daisy, whose writings – unity with nature and the world will become a symbol of joy, love, hope and peace!

They went to the spring together –
Nature was changing
And the legs began to weaken –
and the road
like in a thick fog –
– here are the roots
– there are peaks
Trunk separately –
They went to spring
While the juice was flowing –


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