Purchase of plants from Iberdrola demonstrate with facts that AMLO is committed to energy sovereignty

by time news

The national leader of Morena, Mario Delgadoassured that with the acquisition of 13 electric power generating plantsPresident Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) proves, once again, “with facts and not only in speech” the commitment that it has with the defense of the national energy sovereignty.

In addition to the fact that with this, progress is also made in the rescue of the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) and that it once again be the governing company of the national electricity system.

“With this decision put a stop to the surrender of the electricity sector; surrender from which only foreign companies and their friends on the right benefited,” said Mario Delgado.

With the purchase of Iberdrola plants, the most important companies in the country will become CFE clients, says Mario Delgado

Mario Delgado denied that the plants that the federal government bought from Iberdrola sean scrapWell, he said they supply the most important companies in the country.

And not only that, but now the most important companies will become clients of the CFE.

“Unlike the neoliberal period, from now on the beneficiaries of these contracts will be all Mexicans and not just a few,” he said.

He pointed out that the government would never allow companies that they abused the energy self-supply model and that they could raise prices slyly to consumers

Mario Delgado: “We are facing a new nationalization of the electricity sector”

The leader of Morena, Mario Delgado, assured that the purchase of the 13 Iberdrola plants and other actions of the federal government in the matter, Mexico is facing a new nationalization of the country’s electricity sector.

The most read in Mexico

this then CFE will become the majority supplier of electricity in Mexicoincreasing its production from 35.6 to 55.5% of the total national.

As if that were not enough, along with the rehabilitation of hydroelectric plants and the construction of new electricity generation facilitieswill lead the Mexican company to produce the 65% of the total energy at the end of this six-year term.

Mario Delgado applauded and joined the support given by the National and State Councils of Morena to the Federal Government and stressed that this decision is historic because “highlights the depth of the transformation that our country is undergoing in all areas of its public life and demonstrates the government’s capacity for dialogue with the private sector”.

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