a pediatrician gives the keys to avoid it

by time news

In case of doubts in a situation of health problems, the most indicated is see a medical professional as soon as possible. There are many illnesses and ailments that can occur at these ages, and many times they are unknown to those who care for them.

This may be the case of blue boy syndromea serious clinical situation that occurs when the hemoglobin in the red blood cells is oxidized to methemoglobin, and that, as a consequence, blood does not carry oxygen well throughout the body. It affects young children and is usually identified because the skin may turn blue or grayish in color in some parts of the body. In the most serious cases, it can have as consequences alterations in the mental state, coma or seizures.

To exemplify this syndrome, a popular pediatrician on Intagram, @marlopez_pediatra, has explained a real case that he attended in consultation recently, and that he explains through this video:

As the health company indicates, the main causes that have caused the blue child syndrome in this little patient have been eating a puree that contained too much spinach and had been out of the fridge for more than four hours since it was cookedsomething that can also contribute to the proliferation of bacteria.

This caused metheblogobinemia or blue boy syndrome in the minor, “a blood disorder in which an abnormal amount of methemoglobin is produced», according to the MedlinePLus website. “Hemoglobin is the protein in red blood cells that transports and distributes oxygen to the body. Methemoglobin is a form of hemoglobin. With methemoglobinemia, hemoglobin can carry oxygen, but is unable to deliver it effectively to body tissues».

Thus, as the pediatrician explains, although from the outside it appears that the child is breathing, the oxygen is not really being distributed correctly through your bodycausing that bluish tone in the skin and, if it lasted too long, it would have serious consequences for the baby’s health.

Taking all these data into account, it is important to bear in mind the keys that the doctor gives to prevent and avoid the blue child syndrome:

– Do not leave food cooked for more than two hours unrefrigerated.

– Do not feed green leafy vegetables such as spinach, chard, borage, etc., to children under 12 months of age, nor offer more than 45 grams of it to children from one year of age.

– Do not offer borage before 3 years.

– Preserve cooked vegetables maximum 24 hours in the fridge. If that time passes and it is still not going to be consumed, it is appropriate to freeze them.

Taste the food before giving it to the child, to capture a possible bad taste or smell, which may indicate a bad state of the food.

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