“The fans have lost it, the catastrophe is near”

by time news

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Judges Lubin and Shimoni

Judges Lubin and Shimoni

(Itzik Blanitzky)

Maccabi Haifa was on trial tonight (Wednesday) in the Football Association’s disciplinary court, remembering the events from the games against Hapoel Tel Aviv in Bloomfield in the 10th round, against Hapoel Haifa in a derby from the 11th round and against Hapoel Nof Hagalil in the 12th round at Green Stadium. Just before the hearing, the bottom line is that the Greens were fined NIS 15,000.

The Greens, represented at the hearing by Operations Manager Oved Gabriel and Advocate Ofer Ben Asa, were prosecuted for aggravated conduct in aggravated circumstances and fan rioting following the throwing of lighters and cardboard cups onto the lawn, and also for vandalizing toilet cubicles at Bloomfield Stadium. The hearing was chaired by the judges, Israel Shimoni, Noam Lubin and Giora Landau, with the plaintiff represented by the association’s prosecutor, Adv. Nir Reshef.

Following a fan of the team who broke into the field in the away game against Nof Hagalil, the Greens were fined NIS 5,000 and due to the use of pyrotechnics, who also burned the goal net in the derby game against Hapoel Haifa, Maccabi Haifa will pay a fine of NIS 10,000: The season of the team due to the actions of its fans, a ‘significant’ amount to all opinions of the prosecution “, was written in the verdict of Noam Lubin.

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The flares thrown by Maccabi Haifa fansThe flares thrown by Maccabi Haifa fans

The flares thrown by Maccabi Haifa fans

(Radad Jabara)

The observer noted the damaged toilets and the inscriptions against Maccabi Tel Aviv: “Nazis, prostitutes in yellow and Panatics Haifa.” More Ben Asa: “We do not deny the facts.” More Reshef: “Usually in stands of stands vandalism do not impose aggravating circumstances, because the teams close it in front of the stadium. In this case, the magnitude of the damage led to the decision to prosecute in aggravated circumstances. “

Gabriel: “We do not deny the description of the facts. I want to address. Maccabi Haifa struggles without compromise and without any prejudice against all the forbidden phenomena, even those that the court does not address. We believe in the concept of harming the individual before harming the general public. We have the ruling of a fan who was expelled for three years and suffered a high fine (a verdict given this week). Publications are also important to discourage people from having a price. We take fans who throw objects even if it is small sums and require them to participate. Some will come to us and some refuse to pay and they will receive a request from a lawyer. “

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Ofer Ben Asa, representative of Maccabi Haifa and next to him Oved Gabriel, Operations Manager of Maccabi Haifa (Itzik Blanitzky)Ofer Ben Asa, representative of Maccabi Haifa and next to him Oved Gabriel, Operations Manager of Maccabi Haifa (Itzik Blanitzky)

Ofer Ben Asa, representative of Maccabi Haifa and next to him Oved Gabriel, Operations Manager of Maccabi Haifa (Itzik Blanitzky)

(to the left)

“As part of the move and the efforts we are making we came to a fan who threw a lighter on the lawn. We received a request from the welfare department regarding the fan that he can not pay, so we went on the educational side and he apologized and called not to do so on the various Facebook pages, “Gabriel added. Ben Asa: “We want the court to strengthen us and give us a hand. We want to show the court that we are addressing his comments. The court understands that there is a problem. “

Gabriel: “We spend large sums so that there is documentation on the plots and so that we can go to court and get the rulings so that they can exhaust proceedings. We were shocked and we condemned what happened in Bloomfield. A football stadium is designed for fans to enjoy and go home. We use increased documentation in every game. As for the vandalism, there is already someone who unfortunately bothered to photograph herself so we located her. She received a warning letter from us. ” Ben Asa: “A fan approached us on her behalf and claimed that it was not her and only held a pen. We understand that in the media it looks bad. ” The Dayan Shimoni He replied: “In life, too, not only in the media.”

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Judges Lubin and ShimoniJudges Lubin and Shimoni

Judges Lubin and Shimoni

(Itzik Blanitzky)

Gabriel: “The event received a very large media response and rightly so. It does not respect the club or Israeli football. This is a phenomenon we do not like. But we take care of it at the club. The estimated damage is NIS 70,000 from the Sports Halls Company. Yankele Shachar undertook to pay it. Just to clear the ear, Sakhnin and Netanya fans also corrupted Sami Ofer. Also in the game against Beitar, between 120-150 chairs were damaged. “

Judge Shimoni: “By Monday, we want you to send us the actions you took and the procedures that were taken.” Ben Asa: “Today we can elaborate. In light of the recent rulings, we have changed our approach and we are stepping up in every procedure. ” Shimoni: “Until this year, you did not file any complaints? Show us everything. ” Landau: “We collect from each of the groups that come frequently.”

Gabriel: “Regarding the chairs that have been vandalized, if this is the threshold for prosecution, all the league teams that have over 150 spectators will come here. Shimoni: “It depends on Mr. Reshef.” Reshef: “There is no selective enforcement. It all depends on the observer report. I have never received such a report from an observer in my eight years in office. Shimoni: “You complain between the groups about damage. Just because you’re plastering it between groups, does not mean it’s the right way to go. I have the authority to charge you with damages, but if the teams get along I will not enter between you. I also have a feeling it will become fashionable. I do not want it to be closed between the groups, it is something of the whole industry. “

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Judge Israel ShimoniJudge Israel Shimoni

Judge Israel Shimoni

(Itzik Blanitzky)

Ben Asa: “We can not place cameras in the bathroom or put security guards in the bathroom.” Shimoni: “Every year you learn and there is progress in steps. We mitigate punishment according to the steps. Maybe need a bouncer near the bathroom. One such was a curfew. At least in the area of ​​mirrors, etc. We will learn and you will learn, the question is what the tuition will be. ” Ben Asa: “We are a leader in the field in the struggle and the court should give us a hand and not make it worse. Shimoni: “Mr. Reshef, what is the punishment you are asking for?” Reshef: “I was very impressed and saw what Maccabi Haifa is doing. I think that in these circumstances and that this is the first time I have filed such an indictment, a monetary penalty can be satisfied. Financial punishment and probation “

Gabriel: “Punishment of denial of a subscription or removal from plots harms the fan no less than the economic aspect.” Ben Asa: “We want the police to intervene in the matter of an administrative fine as well.”

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Nir ReshefNir Reshef

Nir Reshef

(Itzik Blanitzky)

After these things, only Lubin was left in the courtroom, to conduct the discussion on the issue of throwing the flares and breaking into the field in the derby. Gabriel: “The game was defined as sensitive and we made careful assessments with the Haifa police. We have added advanced means of documentation. We acknowledge the facts and guilt and did not like to see the pictures. We were able to locate five implications for the lawn, two of which were already identified during the game. Another dumpster was found the next day. “

Lubin: “What are we seeing this year? I close in January nine years, I do not see any year. The fans lost it completely in some cases. We in the court have only limited means. It is clear that it is easiest for the court to say that there will be games without an audience. This is not the solution, certainly not the immediate one. Something’s going on here. If the police, us, the courts and the groups do not take care there will be a catastrophe and it is imminent. Where do you hear fans say they’ll ruin the other team’s pitch? Quantities of pyrotechnics? I do not remember such a thing in any group. IM adressing to you. We the court need you. I’ll give you the go-ahead when I think I should. You at Maccabi Haifa are leading the fight, but something here is sick from the point of view of the football fans. “

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Ofer Ben Asa, representative of Maccabi HaifaOfer Ben Asa, representative of Maccabi Haifa

Ofer Ben Asa, representative of Maccabi Haifa

(Itzik Blanitzky)

Ben Asa: “Is it in the hands of the teams?”. Lubin: “I do not know the truth. Maybe cops need to be brought back inside. But the power of groups to change. After all, the teams decided that the policemen would leave the stands. Lubin: “In 2015, after the Fouad derby, a bill was passed in the Knesset to establish a special court for violence in sports by the person who currently serves as Minister of Tourism. Nothing happened with it. There was a crazy echo after the derby and has been quiet ever since. I hope this time will be different. If they advance the matter of administrative fines as I read today, on the kippak. Here the network went up in flames, a day will come and an offer will go up in flames. Then you will not sit in court, but in a commission of inquiry and later on personal injury. The fire that was in the net should be flashing very loudly. The pyrotechnic measures are not a joke. “

The Greens are on trial for an observer report that a fan burst onto the grass in the direction of Bogdan Planic. Gabriel: “The western stand was not a stand for Maccabi Haifa. It will offer sold by Nof HaGalil. Guess there was excitement in town. Our club sells to its fans, we run our stand. If this were to happen in our stands, then the security force would take care of it. But it was their stand and a fan came in from their stand. ” Ben Asa: “We think we should be won.” Lubin: “Tell your players not to give a reward to fans who break in. No hugs, no pictures. ” Gabriel: “We also demand it according to the corona procedures and we will take care of it.”

Meanwhile, following the throwing of torches by Hapoel Haifa fans in the Haifa derby against Maccabi, and in addition to throwing a glass at the field, the association’s court decided to fine the club a total of 10,000 shekels. The group claimed that the group’s fans were honest and for the most part also recognized as families, and the court had already claimed that there was no blemish in their behavior. In addition, after an inspection conducted by the club, the fan who threw the torch is not a subscriber according to them and he was removed by the Israeli police for 30 days from the pitches.


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