Jesus Christ, an offering in kind for the atonement of sins – acpcongo

by time news

Lubumbashi, April 10, 2023 (ACP).- Jesus Christ is the offering in kind for the expiation of the sins of the world, Reverend Jean Kabayo announced during the Sunday celebration of Easter by the faithful of the Protestant Chaplaincy of the University of Lubumbashi ( PP.Unilu), found the CPA.

“By his death on the cross of Golgotha, Christ paid for the sin of the whole world. The offering in cash or in kind for the atonement of our sins is now replaced by the sacrifice made by Jesus Christ himself by giving his body and blood. underlined the Reverend Jean Kabayo, speaker of the day.

“Easter is the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This resurrection of Jesus Christ is the very basis of the Christian faith. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the light in the life of every Christian. It is proof of the divinity of Jesus Christ.” added the speaker.

This celebration was punctuated by a week-long seminar which enabled the children of God to understand the meaning of the feast of Easter.

Created in 1969, the Protestant Chaplaincy of the University of Lubumbashi has the mission of announcing the gospel of Jesus Christ to students, academics, scientists, administrative, technical, medical, workers, paramedics and any other person. according to the supreme order of Jesus drawn in the book of Matthew 28: 18-20.

Its mission is also to mentor all who are won through evangelistic action, to edify Christians through biblical exhortations and teachings, to promote social and philanthropic action in accordance with evangelical standards.


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