The context of insecurity and political intolerance is not conducive to the examination or adoption of such a bill. – Independent Congo

by time news

The Voice of the Voiceless for Human Rights (VSV) is deeply concerned about the alignment in the National Assembly of the bill relating to Congolese nationality among the legislative matters to be examined during the March Session to June 2023.

This bill amending and supplementing Law No. 04/024 of November 12, 2004 relating to Congolese nationality initiated by Mr. Noël Tshiani Muadiamvita, unsuccessful candidate in the presidential election of December 2018 and endorsed by the national deputy Nsingi Pululu is inappropriate at this precise moment.

Indeed, while recognizing the freedom of expression and opinion of two important personalities, the VSV points out that their bill could prove to be more conflict-prone in the current context and, indirectly, it risks dealing a severe blow to the cohesion and national unity which the DRC greatly needs.

In July 2021, the VSV reacted against this bill although it has certain merits, including the irrevocability of Congolese nationality.
The initiator and endorser of the bill emphasize the locking of certain positions, including access to the office of Head of State, President of the National Assembly and that of the Senate, which must be reserved only for Congolese born of father and mother.

Admittedly, locking down may seem like a good thing for many Congolese, but we have to wait for this to happen in a context of peace, stability and security throughout the national territory with the eradication of all armed groups. and other militias including the bakatakatanga.

It is also necessary that the Congolese know that locking access to certain positions is not the only decisive criterion to better appreciate the degree of patriotism or love towards the DRCongo.
Public opinion knows that many Congolese born to fathers and mothers have been complicit in the misery of the Congolese population by sometimes illicitly appropriating what belongs to everyone, by stealing, looting, embezzling public funds , betraying the DRC and other citizens…

For the VSV, the time should currently be that of consolidating the achievements of political alternation in the DRCongo by working for the holding of free, transparent, inclusive, honest and peaceful elections so that finally the best of all wins the presidential election and that other better ones win in the legislative elections and still other better ones win in other elective positions.

For the VSV, discriminatory measures and laws have never brought peace which is a fundamental human right. It is therefore time to regroup and avoid the reproduction of the attitudes and behaviors decried yesterday and which torpedoed democracy and the advent of the rule of law in the DRC.
The VSV calls on the vigilance and wisdom of all parliamentarians to reject this bill in order to avoid political tensions likely to cause human rights violations and undermine efforts to consolidate democracy in DRCongo.

The VSV regrets that the desire to exclude certain people from the political competition that is dear to democracy, under various pretexts, is resurfacing to the great displeasure of human rights defenders, pro-democracy activists, journalists and others. people who love peace, justice and respect for human rights and democratic values, some of whom have shed their blood for political change in the DRC.

In view of the above, the VSV requests:

 In Parliament:
To reject the controversial bill in order to allow every Congolese and every Congolese who has the profile to stand freely in the election of their choice, including the presidential election.

 To the President of the Republic:

In its capacity as guarantor of the nation and of national unity, to always draw the attention of the members of the Union Sacrée so that they avoid supporting any discriminatory law likely to weaken its power, the unity and national cohesion.

 To the Congolese population:

  • To remain vigilant and to favor cohesion and national unity so as not to fall into acts of political intolerance likely to promote insecurity and destabilization in the DRCongo.

Done in Kinshasa, April 05, 2023.



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