Accidents left 20 dead in Easter

by time news

Regarding the fires, a 51% reduction in affected hectares was reported during Holy Week, despite the fact that the fires increased in the holiday season this year.

Photo: Rescue Commands.

San Salvador. The initial balance offered this Sunday by officials of the National Civil Protection System, regarding the emergencies attended on a national scale, within the framework of the Summer Plan, indicates that traffic accidents left 20 people dead as a balance.

Although the figure is high, it is lower than that reported in the same period in 2022, when the same authorities confirmed that road accidents left 39 fatalities, said the director of Civil Protection, Luis Amaya.

On Saturday “we had a lot of activity at the national level where we have had a greater movement of parishioners in religious events and an increase in tourism during these Easter holidays,” added Amaya.

The official reported that on Saturday, April 8, several emergencies were attended, including 33 fires of various types and 47 aquatic rescues (most of them deep).

That day alone there were 31 traffic accidents, which left 45 people injured and 3 more dead. Nine dangerous drivers were also caught on Saturday.

In the accumulated of the Summer Plan, from April 1 to 8, 179 aquatic rescues have been attended, 336 fires (177% more than last year); and 368 traffic accidents; the latter left 267 injured and 20 dead; and 55 people arrested for dangerous driving.

Regarding the fires, a 51% reduction in affected hectares was reported during Holy Week, despite the fact that the fires increased in the holiday season this year.

In this area, the most serious fire occurred in the El Ranchador canton of Santa Ana, where a clandestine rocket exploded and caused the death of at least two minors and injuries to nine other people, recalled the head of the Interior, Juan Carlos Bidegan.

Regarding the other emergencies attended with the Summer Plan, the minister confirmed 218 aquatic rescues by the Civil Protection Lifeguard Unit, 368 traffic accidents, until April 8.

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