Carlos César criticizes Hugo Mendes’ “stupid conduct” and challenges Marcelo

by time news

Hugo Mendes, the former Secretary of State for Infrastructure, had a “stupid and pernicious conduct”, but Pedro Nuno Santos has merit in the good results of TAP. And the Government has an absolute majority that should only be judged at the end of the legislature – this is how the president of the PS, Carlos César, makes, on social networks, the political situation regarding TAP and the revelations already made in the parliamentary commission of inquiry. But, as he has often done when there is controversy involving the President of the Republic, it is the party president who leaves messages to the head of state and, this time, to try to dispel shadows of dissolution.

“Santana Lopes, corroborated by PSD commentator Marques Mendes, among others, relaunched the idea of ​​resignation of the government by the President of the Republic, recalling his resignation by Jorge Sampaio. But… isn’t there anyone who reminds you that Santana was Prime Minister by proxy and not by election legitimacy? No one reminds them that the PS obtained just over a year ago 41% of the votes cast and roughly the same number of votes as the current President of the Republic”, asks Cesar. “In addition, we are experiencing a particularly sensitive period at national, European and international levels, both in terms of dangers and challenges. What matters, therefore, as the President of the Republic recognized and touched on, is the good government of Portugal and that the oppositions are also much better than they are”, stresses the socialist leader, for whom any irregular functioning of the institutions, which is constitutional cause to dismiss the Government.

“Isn’t there anyone who reminds them that the results of this government with parliamentary support must be evaluated by the people at the time of the end of the legislature? There is no one who recognizes that they only know each other and discuss cases that raise doubts or criticism because the institutions are functioning regularly and democracy is in its proper exercise?” writes Carlos César, who leaves the question of the dissolution of Parliament to the post scriptum.


In a publication on social networks entitled “About good government, the half-truth of the meeting with the CEO of TAP and about the former ruler without judgment…”, Carlos César is the first top leader of the PS to react to the controversial revelations made by the still executive president of TAP in the parliamentary commission of inquiry. For Carlos César, revelations such as the email that the Secretary of State for Infrastructure, Hugo Mendes, sent to the CEO asking for the change of a flight on which Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa would travel reveal a “pernicious conduct” and “stupid”. But there are other sides of the coin that have been “omitted”: the good results of TAP, which César associates with the management of the Pedro Nuno Santos era, and the role of the President of the Republic in the “collateral episode” of the request for a change of flight: The socialist leader takes the opportunity to give the President another message, suggesting that. if Marcelo had nothing to do with the flight change request, then let him “complain” about the travel agency that works with the Presidency.

“Behaviors like what was revealed in the matter and in the political content of the email written by the former Secretary of State – even more so, as it is said, following a contact, or suggestion, from a travel agency which, certainly, the the Presidency of the Republic also has to complain – they are not acceptable and reveal a pernicious and, I even say, stupid conduct. As a socialist, who believes in the government in office and in its performance even in the difficult conditions with which it has been confronted, since the member of the government is no longer a member, that is, that it is not possible for him to resign or dismiss him now, all that remains is to apologize to the President and the people in general”, writes Carlos César on Facebook.


Then, Carlos César regrets that “collateral episodes” like this tarnish the “clear and efficient relationship involving the company”, which is proof of the good financial results that were achieved this year, and which were estimated to only be possible in 2025. there that César comes out in defense of Pedro Nuno Santos. “It is grotesque the omission that is made or seeks to make the fact that TAP has made a profit, anticipating this objective that was foreseen in its restructuring plan, which is not strange neither its management nor its tutelage, in that period , it should be remembered, exercised by Pedro Nuno Santos”, reads, in a publication in which the Minister of Internal Administration is also praised.

“Last week, once again, the government, in the Council of Ministers, took important decisions, namely in the case of SEF reform and the framework for migration. In this regard, it is good to remember the good personal performance that our Minister of Internal Administration is confirming”, writes César, who tries to value other Government measures such as support for families and companies. “I hope that soon, others, in addition to those already assumed, will be approved, including more directly retirees and pensioners”, he anticipates, anticipating increases.

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It is for this “good governance” that, in fact, the socialist president begins his publication and only later dedicates himself to the subjects that “overshadowed, in these days, the image of the government”. On one A government that, he writes, “must avoid some setbacks… and take better care of those who appoint”, but that “can and should be proud of what it has done and that it must remain committed to doing what is necessary, namely fulfilling its program and the reforms to which it has committed”.

“The first of these issues only reaches the media proportion it has gained, because it is a skillful half-truth by the opposition and some of its amanuenses and a generalized exercise in hypocrisy. The truth of this matter is that the CEO of TAP met with the parliamentary group of the PS, which was represented by deputy Carlos Pereira (a deputy, incidentally, who is worth, alone, in work and quality, more than many current opposition deputies combined !). I don’t know who suggested the meeting and I don’t understand the importance of it. But, the truth is soon manipulated by circumstances and deceit”, accuses the president of the PS in his long publication.

“The first hoax is that this would be something unprecedented, as if it had not always happened to all parties and were not even considered part of the informed exercise of each parliamentary function. It has always been a practice to hold these informative and/or preparatory meetings with government officials, with managers of companies or public institutes., or simply with other organizations, associations, entities and private companies, opinion leaders or specialists in the matters in question. Regardless, either before or after parliamentary hearings. This has nothing to do with secrets or with whether or not there are absolute majorities, and much less with the government now being the PS. It happened, and very naturally, to everyone”, explains Carlos César, who was PS parliamentary leader in the ‘contraption’ legislature.

“In previous legislatures, there were countless occasions when this happened, including with parties like those now in opposition to the left of the PS. The same happened, evidently, with the PSD and others”, writes the socialist leader for whom “the opposition, especially on the right, is clearly only looking for plots and lapses, however relevant they may be, that entertain narratives against the government.

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