It’s time for strategies and alliances

by time news

“It’s time for strategies and alliances”

10 avril 2023

For some time now, some opposition parties and actors have chosen their opposition opponents, deliberately or strategically mistaking the target for ulterior motives.

A few months before the elections, everyone, especially those who always find fault, should pull themselves together, spare their mounts and focus on the essentials.

The anathema, lately, is thrown by some on the other without foundation, indexing one or the other of non-existent, of gazelle, of small, forgetting that political parties are free, equal and attached to the different texts (internal regulations – statutes – charter – code of good conduct, etc.) which govern their respective operation.

In relation to the internal accusations, could we deepen the reflection for a moment, than to limit ourselves to that which consists in designating the other as opposition to power? Let’s take a look at whether their existence is proven. If this is the case, then it must be specified on which side the risk of treason is great and palpable if a balance of power is established between the camp of the opposition found (legal person) in power and power, as certain opinion leaders, and the men in power and in power, lurking in the shadows, in society, even in the political parties of the opposition, of which all pretend to ignore the existence, cease to designate him a small number of these individualities have already manifested themselves?

Let those who hold this language, by designating one or the other as opponents of or to power, provide proof that they have never been or flirted with this fifty-year-old power. They stop distracting people. The time has come for strategies and alliances, even against nature, provided they meet the needs of the majority of Gabonese.


President of RAPID

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