This is what the project is all about

by time news
  • For the first time, a proposal to develop a professional midwifery system in Mexico was presented in the Senate.
  • It seeks to guarantee dignified, safe and humanized treatment for women during pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium.
  • The project has already been referred to the United Health and Second Legislative Studies Commissions.

Within the field of Medicine nothing is permanent because everything can be updated or modified. It is one of the reasons why doctors must be recertified from time to time to demonstrate that their knowledge is adequate. The same happens in legal matters and that is why there is now a proposal to develop the first professional midwifery system in Mexico.

In this case the senators Sylvana Beltrones Sánchez, Nuvia Mayorga Delgado and Claudia Ruiz Massieu Salinas They presented an initiative for this practice that has existed for thousands of years to be officially recognized. In addition, it seeks to provide sufficient support to the people who exercise it.

Promote a professional midwifery system in Mexico

To do this, they seek to incorporate the objective of the midwifery care model as a function of the National Health System established to guarantee dignified, respectful, safe and humanized treatment towards women during pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperiumas well as in the attention that the newborn person receives.

In addition, they proposed that the Ministry of Health (SSa) has the power to regulate and promote the provision of professional midwifery servicesthrough the issuance of the corresponding regulations.

Creation of the first NOM for professional midwifery

The legislators also called for the promotion of an Official Mexican Standard (NOM) in terms of infrastructure and equipment for the care of women by professional, technical or traditional midwives in the new public health facilities of the first and second levels of care.

And they requested that in the public and private institutions of the National Health System the provisions for the care of women during pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium. Also actions for the establishment and promotion of the curriculum for the training of professional midwives.

The senators highlighted the importance of the corresponding health authorities being in charge of preparing and executing outreach, training, and updating programs aimed at promoting the role of professional midwifery, technical midwifery, and traditional midwifery in health care. of the woman, as well as to promote vaginal delivery.

In addition to being obliged to develop and execute educational programs for medical personnel, professional and technical midwifery, to promote comprehensive and quality health care for women.

The senators affirmed that it is essential to make an effort to generate greater interactions between different professionals and coordinate the efforts of all of them in favor of women’s health and, in particular, around sexual, reproductive and maternal health.

The draft decree, which amends and adds various provisions of the General Health Law, was referred directly to the United Health and Second Legislative Studies Commissions.

Also read:

IMSS Bienestar is in favor of midwifery and traditional medicine

Professionalizing Mexican midwives would help reverse obstetric violence

SSa works on NOM project on traditional and community midwifery

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