Orange panties, oil dolls and due process I Opinion I Luis Fuenmayor Toro

by time news

Inmates with orange panties, new and ironed, in a country where there are no uniforms or gowns for health personnel. Where there is no bedding for hospitalized patients, neither gauze, nor cotton, nor other basic supplies

Luis Fuenmayor Toro

Maintaining seriousness and composure, respect for the human person and adherence to justice, as well as the presumption of innocence and the defense of due judicial process, are not easy conditions to assume and defend in Venezuela today. And much less in the face of a permanently distracting propaganda bombardment, which aims to distance us from the real corruption network existing throughout the country, as well as from those who pull its strings and benefit in all possible ways from it. High-sounding speeches of hate and retaliation, threats and intemperate harangues, mockery and exposition of facts and embarrassing situationswhere exuberantly beautiful ladies wrapped in luxuries and ostentation appear as protagonists, but who are far from being the real ones responsible for the existing situation.

Who should be the guarantors of sobriety and restraint, in the treatment of cases such as the current one of corruption in PDVSA, they have taken the wrong path of cowardly hiding behind political demagogy, sectarian revenge and the denial of its immense responsibility. Without having a real purpose of amendment and without effective actions that go to the causes of the problem, the government pretends to be the ethical champion of the country and to carry out a raid against its internal and external adversaries, without respecting human rights or due judicial process. The staging of the accusation of the first detainees was a theatrical act in which the presumption of innocence and the dignity of the human person were flagrantly violated.

The defendants cannot be presented as guilty, nor exhibited as trophies of the hunters of the 21st century. They should not be execrated as human beings or exposed to public ridicule, at the beginning of a judicial process that will supposedly establish their responsibilities, because in this way it is already announced that they will hardly have a fair trial. It seems that cases of recent judicial and political injustices and depravitieswhich affected the engineers Aryenis Torrealba and Alfredo Chirinos, treacherously accused of treason against the Homeland, for denouncing acts of corruption in PDVSA that we now know to be true, have not helped the psuveco bosses to behave with greater prudence, discretion and sense of justice, for the sake of not continuing the sinister practice of tarnishing reputations with impunity.

The case of the more than ten years of unjust imprisonment of Rodney Álvarez, a SIDOR worker and social fighter, accused of murder to protect a PSUV militant, the true culprit recognized by all the witnesses present, was of no use to them. After the martyrdom, the worker finally had to be declared innocent and released, without the Public Prosecutor’s Office investigating what happened in that trial, maliciously executed with the complicity of judges and prosecutors. How can one speak of justice if those responsible for these nonsense and the masterminds thereof are not punished to the fullest extent of the law? And, even worse: if they remain in their positions ready to continue acting in the same way and using the judicial system based on bastard interests, very contrary to those of a democratic republic.

Inmates with orange panties, new and ironed, in a country where there are no uniforms or gowns for health personnel. Where there is no bedding for hospitalized patients, nor gauze, nor cotton, nor other basic supplies, to guarantee due care for sick Venezuelans. Encouraged by Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele, who has replaced the State with barbarism, they wanted to present to international opinion a more “civilized” version, as a demonstration of the supposedly prevailing order in the country. The media and networks have enthusiastically joined this media lynching. The victims of this government conduct, which I must say, even if I don’t like it, has its history in the Adecocopeyan governments and has clearly existed since the Chávez government, are due process, the presumption of innocence and human dignity.


THE AUTHOR is a physician-surgeon, Ph. D., tenured professor and ex-rector of the UCV, researcher in neurochemistry, neurophysiology, university education, science and technology. political fighter

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