How to overcome the death of a child?

by time news

Among the most difficult duels to bear is that of lose a child. It’s not that seeing a parent or brother die doesn’t hurt, but saying goodbye to a loved one that in “theory” his life should continue after ours is talking about an even more complex wound. But, How to overcome the death of a child?

The death It can occur in unimaginable ways, for example, after a long agony or, in an untimely way. Just as you are living it Maribel Guardia, after discovering that his son Julian Figueroa He lost his life after suffering an acute myocardial infarction.

How to overcome the death of a child? Photo iStock

What is the death of a child called?

For many the death of a son it is the loss of a loved one. Yes, but an “orphan” name has emerged from him, and that according to the Royal Spanish Academy is a neologism that is used to refer to people who have faced the death of a son.

mourning the loss of a child

The death of a son it is devastating, and although a father will never stop loving him or forget him, there is the possibility of living around emptiness. He duel It is usually different between each person, but you can recognize it by the following, which is normal.

grief feelings

There is no set guide or pattern for what to feel and how long these emotions can last, but according to St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital, there is a guideline:

1- Shock
2- Sadness
3- Fear
4- Ira
5- Guilt
6- Repentance

The father may also face anxiety, lack of desire to spend time with other people, recurring thoughts and images of his children, sleep problems, changes in appetite, difficulty concentrating, and the uncontrollable desire to be with his son.

How to overcome the death of a child? Photo iStock

How to face the death of a child?

Ultimately, the death of a son no matter if it is a baby or an adult it is different from anything else. The mere idea of ​​having been “unable” to protect him from death can leave parents feeling powerless and helpless.

There is no correct way to face or handle grief, although the Mattel Childrens HospitaHe points out some elements that can help you:

1- The pain will decrease and you will learn live with the loss It won’t be overnight, and sometimes you may feel like you’re going backwards, but sooner or later the grief ends.

2- Do not try to fill the void left by your child by having another. It is best to postpone it until a considerable time has passed or you no longer feel pain.

3- It is valid to think of him or her. Positive memories of your relationship with your child can help comfort and renew your self-esteem.

4- It is important that you talk about what you feel, although your support network is important, establishing communication with other parents who are grieving can help you.

How to overcome the death of a child? Photo iStock

What to say to a mother who has just lost her son?

Some of the things you can say to a grieving mother are: I’m so sorry for the loss of your son I can’t imagine what you’re feeling right now, but I want you to know that I’m here to support you in whatever you need.

At these moments, it is normal to feel a great sadness and sorrow. Allow yourself to cry and express your feelings, as it is important that you are able to process everything that is happening. If you need to talk, I’ll be here to listen without judging you and offer you my company.

Remember that your son will always live in your heart and that the important thing is to keep his memory alive. If you need help coping with grief, don’t hesitate to seek support from friends, family, support groups, or professionals. I send you a virtual hug and much encouragement in these difficult times.

Now that you know How to overcome the death of a child?and that you know that it is nothing, simple, what do you think that parents who live it have to know.

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