Gynecologist finds a cockroach in a patient’s vagina

by time news
  • The specialty of Gynecology and Obstetrics lasts 4 years and is additional to the Bachelor of Medicine.
  • In order to carry out the work as well as possible, it is necessary to transmit sufficient confidence to the patients.
  • A gynecologist shared that one of the strangest experiences he has ever had was having to remove a dead cockroach from a patient’s vagina.

One of the characteristics of patient care is that it never falls into a routine. Even if two people come with the same discomfort, in the end each one is unique and different from the others. At the same time, there are some cases that stand out because they are so rare. Sometimes only once in clinical practice do stories of this type occur. Such is the case of a gynecologist who extracted a dead cockroach from a patient’s vagina, but how did this peculiar situation come to be?

To begin with, intimate hygiene is very important in any person. It seems like an obvious issue but in reality many individuals do not pay enough attention. It is also the basis for preventing a large number of diseases.

In the case of women, the biggest piece of advice to follow is Go frequently to your gynecologist. For the same reason, trust is the basis of communication and should never be lacking in either party. At the same time, there are very rare situations that occur in these types of queries.

The story of the gynecologist who found a cockroach inside a patient’s vagina

Regarding this issue, the Dr. Marco Calix, who is originally from Honduras, shared a storytime of a rather peculiar and unique case that happened to him with a patient. Obviously, he avoided giving the woman’s name or confidential information so as not to harm her integrity.

It all started when a woman came to his office and stated suffer severe pain in the vaginal area. The first thing was to do a brief questionnaire to obtain information that could give clues about the origin of the discomfort. Not getting what was necessary, she had to take a tact test and at that moment she got a big surprise.

The Tegucigalpa obstetrician and gynecologist claims that at that moment he extracted a dead cockroach from the patient’s vagina. Nothing like this had ever happened to him before and from then on it became one of the strangest cases he has ever experienced.

For his part, the specialist avoided adding if the patient informed him of the way in which the insect reached that part of her body. What he does mention is that if the animal had remained in that area for longer, it could have caused other complications such as infections and even tissue damage.

At the moment the gynecologist has already removed the video from his official TikTok account in which he accumulates more than 389 thousand followers. Although he has others where he recounts other unconventional experiences that he has lived at the time of carrying out his work.

Other offbeat gynecologist stories

Other videos he has focus on rare gynecology cases he’s experienced while on the job. Although regardless of the circumstances, he emphasizes that you should always act with professionalism because it is an activity that makes great differences.

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♬ Love Is Gone Slandeeer – EL Locco

#storytime #drmarcocalix #ginecologo #casosclinicos

♬ Love Is Gone Slandeeer – EL Locco

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