”the Russians are more confident of Mali’s victory today than the average Malian” – Info-Matin

by time news

Any Malian, regardless of the current definition of patriotism which is limited to pro and anti-France, but quite simply proud to belong to this country, whatever the degree of patriotism, is happy to see today that our tool defense is ramped up. And what was propaganda disseminated drum beating on Facebook pages said to support the transition regime has now become a reality certified by various specialists, like Dr. Adama DIABATE, specialist in geopolitics. Guest of the program ”Citizen Defense” on national television last Monday, Dr. DIABATE, who has just returned from a trip to Russian soil, attests that, today, the rise of the FAMa is a source of pride for all. the Malians. Also, in the same interview, he testified to the excellent quality of cooperation relations between Mali and Russia, particularly at the military level. Moreover, in its latest report, the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration), the government agency responsible for regulations and controls concerning civil aviation in the United States, denounced the ”Overarmament of Mali following its cooperation with Russia”
For Dr DIABATE, ‘very soon, we will come to the end of the evil; and victory will be ours in this war that has been imposed on us” thanks to the support of our partners, like Russia, which is confident of our country’s victory over the terrorists.
We deliver here the free transcription of this interview of Dr. Adama DIABATE, on the cooperation Mali – Russia on the ORTM.

The FAMa, today, is a source of pride for all Malians who have a sense, not only of patriotism, but of belonging to this country, whatever the degree.
It was an absolute necessity, because we had no alternative, that is to say, we had no other countries, other forces that could do this for us, or who had to do that in our place so that today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, we would be reassured that our country would belong to us.
Because a country that fails to take responsibility for itself, to ensure its security, you are only nominally a country.
So the rise of the FAMa today is a source of pride for all of us. It’s not even an observation, it’s a real fact. Moreover, the detractors who do not admit it, in soul and conscience, know it today that fear has changed sides.
Today, they (terrorists’ note) can only play in secret: it’s ambushes, it’s bombs, but direct confrontation, practically, they stopped a long time ago; because they are unlucky for it.
These are signals which, whether we want to see it or not, which really show the rise in power of our FAMa and which really makes us proud.
This is something that is no longer in doubt; and I believe that very soon, we will no longer need to consult specialists to find out how things are going over there, all Malians will realize the monumental work, the enormous work, that our FAMa have had to accomplish successfully and very soon we will overcome most of this evil.
I say the essential because it is an evil that will take time to eradicate completely. The population must know this too; it’s not a panacea that we’ll be done in 24 hours, or in a year.
There will always be consequences, there will always be little recalcitrants who, because they are not used to finding ways to survive otherwise, will continue to perpetrate their work room. But, little by little, we will eradicate them.
Today, it is not because we have no other alternatives that we are obliged to believe. No, it’s not a matter of belief anymore, it’s all there.
The FAMa will do it, and those who want to prevent us, thank God, we are very well supported by our partners.
Moreover, as the Minister of Foreign Affairs has always said, and the officers at all levels, we have already laid down our three working conditions with any country, again to prove that we are against no one , only that we finally love each other. We were even embarrassed to try to defend our interests because we had to be given permission even for that.
While it is the minimum for a human, whether in the modern world or the past, to have the ability to at least claim what was rightfully yours. But unfortunately, for us from slavery to today, through imperialism, colonialism, and all those that follow; we were even embarrassed to do that.
Besides, we were even more capable of claiming what was rightfully ours.
Thank God that there was this change of generation, now there is the result of everything we sell today, I trust 1000%, I will take the opportunity to tell the Malians, be sure that we will come out of trouble; and victory will be ours in this dirty battle that has been imposed on us and that for a long time we did not understand the root.
Thank God, we have now understood where the evil comes from, we know at what level it must be treated and we are in the process of treating it; and we have signs that show that the patient is recovering and the pace of healing is really satisfactory.
I have just returned from Moscow within the framework of popular diplomacy; we were invited by the French Ministry of Russian Affairs as a civil society.
But the structure we have put in place, in fact, is more official. Formally, it’s unofficial, but in substance, it’s official with the sponsorship of the President of the Republic, the foreign ministers and all the rest, the ministers and all that ensues.
And especially God willing, we didn’t have the chance to speak with Putin, but with Minister LAVROV, with Maria ZAKHAROVA, from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; and with the executives of the department in charge of this cooperation. Believe me, I didn’t even feel the great Moscow cold, I was so satisfied, so delighted, to the point that I would say that the Russians are more confident of the Malians’ victory today than the average Malians.
It’s as if the Russians were telling us: ask for everything you want, whether it’s for equipment, whether it’s for advice, whether it’s for work participation in order to allow you to win this victory .
It was victory against this evil that was imposed on us in Mali, and we are ready anytime.
Moreover, in our exchanges, I let them know what I thought I would know, something that they expected, that they already knew, when I told them that the root of Western evil that bothers us all time, this is it; if you want to defeat it, you must come and uproot it here.
Because you kill it, it comes, it takes energy from us, and it leaves.
As soon as you cut this contact, the day when you are going to eliminate or kill him, it will be the final death.
And finally, for me, it was news for them, they had to be convinced but unfortunately it didn’t, I didn’t have this duty to convince them, they already knew it, they are already tackling it . Besides, it was a confirmation of the fact that we were in harmony, our visions agree in this sense, and it really made us happy and we had the best assurances.

By Abdoulaye OUATTARA

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