The organization of the flagship event of the diaspora: the RNS

by time news

If the nation is based on a territory, its diaspora is a culture of exile and expatriation that exists in a network. It is sometimes idealized, in the context of globalization: politically, it escapes national allegiance to the country of origin and carries the utopia of a free world without borders; culturally, it has been able to combine the sacredness of the ancestral heritage with the promotion of nomadism and the encounter with other cultures; economically, it carries the important issue of financial transfers and brain gain.

Recent studies tell us that the Malagasy diaspora resides mainly in rich countries, three-quarters of which in France, that it is particularly educated, and therefore has a relatively high purchasing power. “These global characteristics make the Malagasy diaspora an underestimated candidate of the elite world that should be better known. However, migrants from Madagascar are also distinguished by their degree of integration: family, social, spatial and national. This specificity no doubt also explains their low “visibility” as a community and the seemingly limited link it maintains with the Big Island. » [1]

For 48 years, our expatriates have annually enjoyed their largest gathering, the iconic RNS, noticed by university research: “… the essential sporting event for all Malagasy residing in France and sometimes even in Europe: the three days of the Meeting national sporting event traditionally fixed at the Easter weekend. In about ten years, its organization has gone from the stage of resourcefulness to that of the most accomplished skill in event management, calling in particular on the most modern managerial techniques implemented by volunteers who are often excellently trained. The success of the company can also be assessed in terms of the audience gathered, which now regularly exceeds the 5,000 to 6,000 participants mark.” [2]

We went to meet the organizers of this legendary event of the diaspora to better understand the factors of this success and measure the potential for sustainability. We were received by very friendly representatives of the CEN (National Executive Committee), the association guaranteeing the realization of the RNS, in the offices near the Trocadéro of one of them. “The existence of a strong institution such as the CEN since its creation in 1998 and built on recognized and embodied values, is the first foundation of the sustainability of the RNS” indicates Marie-Pierre Davidson, vice-president of the Council Board of Directors of CEN. “The institution remains, the women and men who serve it pass away”. This federation of participating sports, cultural and organizing associations has expanded its portfolio of projects by proposing, among other things, the fiftieth anniversary of Bessa and Lola’s stage this year, a chain of solidarity, a race around the world “Run for Mada” during the period of containment of the Covid. But the RNS remains the association’s flagship project.

Equipped with a board of directors, an executive office, but also an ethics committee composed mainly of former employees, including successive presidents, CEN has been able to find a stabilized economic model that allows it to calmly approach the annual editions of the event. “We have the honor of being supported by many sponsors”, emphasizes Marie-Pierre Davidson, “and we have gradually professionalized our financial management, in order to ensure the means to achieve the ambitions and objectives of the association” . She knows what she is talking about since she is herself a chartered accountant by profession.

The CEN entrusts the organization of the RNS to a NOC (National Organizing Committee) responsible for preparing and producing an edition of the RNS. “Infrastructure adapted to our needs is an essential key to the success of the RNS”, confides Vero Raliterason, one of the 2 general coordinators of the NOC 2023. “Vichy is recognized as the leading Preparation Center for the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris 2024. Their infrastructures are ideal to accommodate the hundred teams, the 1,500 sports licensees and the 8,000 visitors and participants expected and we are fortunate to benefit from an active partnership with them. she adds.

“An efficient human resources function is an essential factor in the success of projects. I pay particular attention to this area, from recruitment to the adequacy of skills to the responsibilities entrusted, from training to recognition. Everyone’s motivation is special because everyone here is a volunteer, which etymologically means that they are there, free of charge, for the good of others. The year of preparation begins with a seminar which allowed everyone to share the advances in their field while becoming aware of the problems of other fields. The joint creative production sessions brought out innovations: a schedule for the whole team that can be consulted by all the volunteers and managers of areas recognizable by their outfit, the brochure of the RNS 2023 program online for everyone, a CEN stand with a solidarity café whose profits will be donated to an association promoting swimming in Ranomafana” shares Vero Raliterason who also knows what she is talking about since her daily professional life is project team management within the first large brand. distribution, the favorite of the French, for which she manages the supply sector.

This year, the RNS invites all visitors and participants to wear the Fitafy Malagasy to honor their region of origin and their customs. Because culture is an essential and structuring area of ​​the RNS and it is Saholy Rahaingoson, the eldest daughter of Di, the late Henri Rahaingoson, who is responsible for it. A responsibility in line with her professional skills since she works in an NGO that deals with higher education within UNESCO, promoting education, protection and promotion of culture: “This year the Soratononina pays tribute to Abel Andriarimalala. The Village of Madagascar remains the privileged place for cultural encounters, where gastronomy, books, Malagasy crafts, music and dance abound. You now know where to find poets, writers, publishers and speakers, they will be at the Kolontsaina stands, within the village itself. »

What is striking during this interview is first of all the humility (fanetren-tena) of our interlocutors who insisted that the association be put forward rather than them. Then the unfeigned complicity between them forges the impression that we are dealing with a team more than individuals. Finally, the quality of their use of Malagasy is impressive as they master ohabolana and express themselves in a sustained language. “A large number of leaders of the organization have been trained by Fi.Mpi.Ma (Fikambanan’ny Mpikabary Malagasy)” they admit.

Thank you very much ladies.

The Port

RNS 2023: from April 8 to 10, 2023 in Vichy

Download the complete program (PDF)

Sources :

- Le monde, manual of geopolitics and geoeconomics, coordinated by Pascal GAUCHON (PUF)

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