Six dead bodies found, an investigation opened for “involuntary homicides”…

by time news

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During the night from Saturday to Sunday, at 17 rue Tivoli, in the city center of Marseille, a building collapsed. The lifeless bodies of six people were found in the rubble. The emergency services, which hope to find people alive, are continuing their operations, while the Marseille prosecutor’s office has opened an investigation for “involuntary homicides”.

Sunday evening, during a press conference, the prosecutor of the Republic of Marseilles had mentioned eight people presumed missing at 17 rue de Tivoli, who did not respond to “any call” from their relatives. “People of a certain age and a young couple in their thirties,” said the magistrate about the inhabitants of this four-storey building, with five apartments.

Two people could therefore still be under the rubble, after the collapse of this building near a district known for its bars and restaurants.

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