in the Meuse, we also want to have “the right to dream of the Games”

by time news

No test site, no Games preparation center or reception of foreign delegations, no famous athlete to wear its colors. What does it matter! The Meuse, one of the least densely populated departments in France (thirty inhabitants per square kilometre), intends to take part in the Olympic adventure. Isn’t the stated ambition of the organizers of the summer 2024 event, whose slogan is “Let’s open the Games wide”, to include all territories?

“We are in a rural department, but we have the right, like the big cities, to dream of the Games”, defends Jérôme Dumont (various right), president of the departmental council. The Meuse and its three main cities (Verdun, Bar-le-Duc and Commercy) have obtained the Terre de Jeux label and, it is an open secret, the Olympic torch relay will cross the department and stop in Verdun.

Of the route, we know nothing, only that the flame will leave Marseille in the spring of 2024 to reach Paris before the opening ceremony of the Games (July 26). The official announcement of the departments and stopover towns was to be made at the end of February, but is falling behind schedule.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Paris 2024: the organizers promise “a great popular celebration” for the arrival of the Olympic flame in Marseille

In the Meuse, as in many other departments that have applied (about sixty in total), we are getting impatient, and the information was published in the local press without waiting for the green light from the Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games and Paralympics (Cojop) and the firm Olbia Conseil, responsible for orchestrating this relay.

Verdun got the ball rolling and announced that it would be a stopover city from September 2022. “It was recorded in May 2022, assures the mayor (PS) Samuel Hazard. I had spoken to Anne Hidalgo about it when she came to Verdun during the presidential campaign, in November 2021, and she told me that there would be no problem! »

Too high a cost per inhabitant

The departmental assembly (various right) followed with a large majority vote in October 2022, despite some protests. Main point of friction: the Cojop asks for 180,000 euros from the departments crossed. Excessive, according to elected opposition officials, who pointed out in a forum on the site, at the end of 2021, the choice of “glitter” rather than public service, in a context of budgetary restrictions, in particular because of rising energy costs.

“We have the wrong priority, regrets Jérôme Stein, departmental adviser (various center) for youth, whose budget has been cut from 190,000 euros to 140,000 euros. It is not the flame that will bring young people to play sports! They want to be able to do activities in their village, and with this sum we could have done something good. »

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