Lee Jae-myeong “Eavesdropping, if true, damages the ROK-US alliance… a very disappointing situation”

by time news
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On the 11th, Democratic Party leader Lee Jae-myeong criticized the US intelligence agency’s suspicion of wiretapping and wiretapping the presidential office, saying, “If this is true, it is a very disappointing situation that damages the ROK-US alliance based on trust.”

CEO Lee answered a related question from a CNN reporter at the Foreign Correspondents Club invitational meeting held at the Korea Press Center in the afternoon.

Lee Jae-myung, the head of the Democratic Party of Korea, speaks at a press conference invited by the Foreign Correspondents Club held at the Press Center in Jung-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of the 11th. National Assembly Photo Correspondents

Representative Lee pointed out, “As the Korean government announced, I hope that this is not true and is the result of document forgery. However, looking at the objective situation, it is difficult to rule out the possibility that wiretapping actually took place.”

He continued, “From the perspective of the Democratic Party, we will do as much as possible to investigate the reality of wiretapping at the National Assembly level.” I will urge you,” he said.

It is the first time Lee has held a meeting with the Foreign Correspondents’ Club since taking office as party leader in August last year. Coincidentally, it drew more attention because it was the time when allegations of wiretapping of the presidential office by the US intelligence agency were raised.

Lee Jae-myeong, representative of the Democratic Party of Korea, greets the attendees at a press conference invited by the Foreign Correspondents Club held at the Press Center in Jung-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of the 11th. National Assembly Photo Correspondents

Representative Lee especially focused on criticism of the government’s foreign policy.

Regarding the deteriorating trade deficit with China, he expressed his regret about public diplomacy, saying, “As the confrontation between Korea, the US, Japan and North Korea, China and Russia has intensified recently, this diplomatic situation is having an adverse effect on economic issues.”

“The ROK-US alliance and the strategic cooperative partnership between Korea and China are not incompatible,” he said.

Representative Lee also insisted on ‘inclusive multilateral diplomacy’ in his remarks at the meeting, saying, “We must demonstrate strategic autonomy based on the ROK-US alliance. The ROK-US alliance must be upgraded from a ‘front confrontation alliance’ to a ‘peace leading alliance’.” .

Regarding the Korea-US summit two weeks later, he said, “The key issue is to correct discrimination in semiconductors.” did.

Regarding the need for a trilateral military alliance in response to the North Korean nuclear threat, Lee said, “Since there is a strong ROK-US alliance and a firm expansion deterrence strategy, there is no need for an additional ROK-US-Japan military alliance.” Or, there is a high possibility of escalating the so-called security dilemma by intensifying camp confrontation.”

Regarding the claim of ‘Korea’s own nuclear armament’ by some politicians, he said, “The claim to develop its own nuclear weapons, which has no effectiveness, necessity, or feasibility, is close to security populism.” “, he condensed.

Lee Jae-myung, the head of the Democratic Party of Korea, speaks at a press conference invited by the Foreign Correspondents Club held at the Press Center in Jung-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of the 11th. National Assembly Photo Correspondents

Regarding the government’s diplomacy with Japan, CEO Lee said, “Basic of diplomacy is balance. You shouldn’t think that either side suffered a loss,” he said. There is,” he criticized.

Regarding the controversy over the government’s solution to compensation for victims of forced labor during the Japanese occupation, which focused on the third-party reimbursement method, he responded to a Japanese reporter’s question, “If you come to power in the next presidential election, will it be nullified?” It was a proposal and it was not an agreement between the two parties, so it is not a matter that can be invalidated or anything.”

“I expected and presented half of the water glass to be filled by Japan, but the water glass ended up overturning,” he said. “The state does not have the right to give up individual universal human rights.”

Regarding his judicial risk, CEO Lee said, “I have been subjected to 339 seizures and searches by the prosecutors and police that have been announced in the media, but the result is that there is no physical evidence.” We will do our best to respond.”

He said, “It’s really embarrassing to have to answer these questions and answers with foreign reporters,” he said.

Regarding the fact that his aides made extreme choices one after another while being investigated by the prosecution regarding the suspicion of the development of Daejang-dong, CEO Lee said, “Should I see Jae-myung Lee as a dangerous person?” Rather, I feel very regretful and regretful about the fact that I changed my name during the investigation process.”

However, he added, “I can’t have any influence on their deaths,” and added, “I hope this doesn’t happen again.”


[ⓒ 세계일보 & Segye.com, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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