The news of the new Law on Universities that comes into force this Wednesday

by time news

This Wednesday April 12 The new Organic Law of the University System (LOSU) enters into force. Among the modifications of the new norm are the commitment to spend 1 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 2030, includes among the functions of the university faculty “analyze and debate issues of special importance” or that someone who is not an official has the possibility of being rector of the University.

The standard emphasizes that the candidates for rector “they must be full-time permanent teaching and research staff with a doctorate and have the merits of research, teaching and university management experience determined by the Statutes”.

The text initially approved by the Government was modified during the parliamentary process in the Senate and it was established that, until the adaptation of the Statutes is carried out and the university determines the merits of research, teaching and university management experience that the candidates for rector must have, they will be required, as a minimum, to be in possession of three six-year research periods, three five-year teaching periods and four years of university management experience in a one-person position. Universities have a maximum period of two years to adapt their Statutes to LOSU.

Right to strike, open science and linguistic plurality, languages ​​in the Erasmus program

Right to strike. This law establishes with respect to academic unemployment, which may be total or partial, that “the right to education of the student body” must be respected and that “universities will develop the conditions for the exercise of said right and the procedure for declaring the unemployment academic, which will be carried out by the representative body of the student body”, is explained in the document.

This new law also establishes that universities are aimed at all ages to respond to the skills needs in adulthood and due to the demographic change expected in the coming years.

Regarding aspects related to returns to society, incorporating new principles for the teacher evaluationswill be qualitative and quantitative, will take into account the open access of publications, the territorial impact of research, linguistic plurality, professional experience, as well as the particularities of each academic discipline.

In the new law, the Congress of Deputies established that it will ensure the inclusion of Catalan, Basque and Galician in the Erasmus program and in other mobility programs that have public funding.

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